
Did any of your school's girls became heavy office workers?

Were any of them popular?

Something like this happened to at least of my school's cheerleaders and she is still quite beautiful!
7 months

Did any of your school's girls became heavy office workers?

Ur gains are very hot
7 months

Did any of your school's girls became heavy office workers?

This sounds like something out of an implausible weight gain fiction story - not gonna lie.

Although, I did hear about a young, and already very heavy young lady who, thanks to the the bagels and doughnuts her job offered, that she gained from 220 to around 290 lbs in her first year.

COVID shut off access to the daily access to baked goods, but she's apparently very fond of baking yummy goods and thus, didn't lose any weight.
7 months

Did any of your school's girls became heavy office workers?

Yes. There are several women I know that fattened up over time once they went into the corporate world. It's kind of funny looking at Facebook and seeing some one that you went to school with and thinking damn she blew up! Some not so surprising and the others that were pretty athletic were surprising. I know a couple lady's that were cross county runners and very athletic in high school. One of the girls was a bit bitchy, it's kind of funny that she's now wearing XXL, but I hope she's happy. Then there are the girls that were always a bit curvy and it's not that surprising how plump they've gotten. One of the cheerleaders in my highschool that was thicc got very fat not long after granduating college. We used to tease about her thick thighs jiggling...but everyone thought her thick thighs were hot even back then.

My wife also gained weight once you go into the corporate world. Of course I was always keeping her encouraged smiley. I believe most of the ladies that have gained a lot of weight have a lover encouraging them.
7 months

Did any of your school's girls became heavy office workers?

My SIL was a thick and sporty cheerleader in her teens, think one of those who hold up the bottom of the pyramid. Neither fat nor skinny. From HS through her early 20s, she used to work out and had some definition.

Fast forward to her mid-20s. Nearly 300 lbs on a 5'2" frame, the product of sedentary work and pure gluttony. This girl got wide with soft, thick back rolls and huge belly. I love how her flat ass has a thick mound of fat at the top which comes around and integrates with her apron. Her thighs filled out as well, flabby and loaded with cellulite.

When she comes to visit, she usually hits me up for back rubs. Nothing new from before her gain, this has been going on for years, however the rubs have become more fat rub than back rub over time.

The last time, my wife was busy cooking so she laid on the bed and asked me to rub her. I got carried away squeezing and caressing her side rolls and the lower back fat above her ass for about an hour. While there was no discussion whatsoever, she knew what I was doing and absolutely loved it.

As time goes on, my SIL has also been greeting me with tighter hugs, deliberately pressing her belly into me. Not long ago I squeezed her in a bear hug, picked her up, and spun her around just to be silly. It was as well received as it was unexpected, she was all smiles for a while after I put her down.
6 months

Did any of your school's girls became heavy office workers?

My SIL was a thick and sporty cheerleader in her teens, think one of those who hold up the bottom of the pyramid. Neither fat nor skinny. From HS through her early 20s, she used to work out and had some definition.

Fast forward to her mid-20s. Nearly 300 lbs on a 5'2" frame, the product of sedentary work and pure gluttony. This girl got wide with soft, thick back rolls and huge belly. I love how her flat ass has a thick mound of fat at the top which comes around and integrates with her apron. Her thighs filled out as well, flabby and loaded with cellulite.

When she comes to visit, she usually hits me up for back rubs. Nothing new from before her gain, this has been going on for years, however the rubs have become more fat rub than back rub over time.

The last time, my wife was busy cooking so she laid on the bed and asked me to rub her. I got carried away squeezing and caressing her side rolls and the lower back fat above her ass for about an hour. While there was no discussion whatsoever, she knew what I was doing and absolutely loved it.

As time goes on, my SIL has also been greeting me with tighter hugs, deliberately pressing her belly into me. Not long ago I squeezed her in a bear hug, picked her up, and spun her around just to be silly. It was as well received as it was unexpected, she was all smiles for a while after I put her down.

Man, do I feel bad for your wife. If I found out my husband was lusting over my sister, I'd end up with major trust issues. That's one of the worst betrayals out there.
6 months

Did any of your school's girls became heavy office workers?

My bad I misread and thought you just said sister. But that is still tomfoolery of you to cheat on your own wife. I hope none of you have children. My mom cheated when I was a I minor and that fucked up my life real badly. To this day I have family trauma and I can't function as an adult.

Where did I indicate my wife didn't consent to this? So much for this site being inclusive.
6 months

Did any of your school's girls became heavy office workers?

My SIL was a thick and sporty cheerleader in her teens, think one of those who hold up the bottom of the pyramid. Neither fat nor skinny. From HS through her early 20s, she used to work out and had some definition.

Fast forward to her mid-20s. Nearly 300 lbs on a 5'2" frame, the product of sedentary work and pure gluttony. This girl got wide with soft, thick back rolls and huge belly. I love how her flat ass has a thick mound of fat at the top which comes around and integrates with her apron. Her thighs filled out as well, flabby and loaded with cellulite.

When she comes to visit, she usually hits me up for back rubs. Nothing new from before her gain, this has been going on for years, however the rubs have become more fat rub than back rub over time.

The last time, my wife was busy cooking so she laid on the bed and asked me to rub her. I got carried away squeezing and caressing her side rolls and the lower back fat above her ass for about an hour. While there was no discussion whatsoever, she knew what I was doing and absolutely loved it.

As time goes on, my SIL has also been greeting me with tighter hugs, deliberately pressing her belly into me. Not long ago I squeezed her in a bear hug, picked her up, and spun her around just to be silly. It was as well received as it was unexpected, she was all smiles for a while after I put her down.

Man, do I feel bad for your wife. If I found out my husband was lusting over my sister, I'd end up with major trust issues. That's one of the worst betrayals out there.

You're making the wrong assumption that my wife isn't a willing participant.
6 months

Did any of your school's girls became heavy office workers?

My SIL was a thick and sporty cheerleader in her teens, think one of those who hold up the bottom of the pyramid. Neither fat nor skinny. From HS through her early 20s, she used to work out and had some definition.

Fast forward to her mid-20s. Nearly 300 lbs on a 5'2" frame, the product of sedentary work and pure gluttony. This girl got wide with soft, thick back rolls and huge belly. I love how her flat ass has a thick mound of fat at the top which comes around and integrates with her apron. Her thighs filled out as well, flabby and loaded with cellulite.

When she comes to visit, she usually hits me up for back rubs. Nothing new from before her gain, this has been going on for years, however the rubs have become more fat rub than back rub over time.

The last time, my wife was busy cooking so she laid on the bed and asked me to rub her. I got carried away squeezing and caressing her side rolls and the lower back fat above her ass for about an hour. While there was no discussion whatsoever, she knew what I was doing and absolutely loved it.

As time goes on, my SIL has also been greeting me with tighter hugs, deliberately pressing her belly into me. Not long ago I squeezed her in a bear hug, picked her up, and spun her around just to be silly. It was as well received as it was unexpected, she was all smiles for a while after I put her down.

Man, do I feel bad for your wife. If I found out my husband was lusting over my sister, I'd end up with major trust issues. That's one of the worst betrayals out there.

You're making the wrong assumption that my wife isn't a willing participant.

So, you're saying your wife is 100% okay with you sexualizing and fetishizing her sister? And that she is 100% aware that's what you're doing?

6 months

Did any of your school's girls became heavy office workers?

My SIL was a thick and sporty cheerleader in her teens, think one of those who hold up the bottom of the pyramid. Neither fat nor skinny. From HS through her early 20s, she used to work out and had some definition.

Fast forward to her mid-20s. Nearly 300 lbs on a 5'2" frame, the product of sedentary work and pure gluttony. This girl got wide with soft, thick back rolls and huge belly. I love how her flat ass has a thick mound of fat at the top which comes around and integrates with her apron. Her thighs filled out as well, flabby and loaded with cellulite.

When she comes to visit, she usually hits me up for back rubs. Nothing new from before her gain, this has been going on for years, however the rubs have become more fat rub than back rub over time.

The last time, my wife was busy cooking so she laid on the bed and asked me to rub her. I got carried away squeezing and caressing her side rolls and the lower back fat above her ass for about an hour. While there was no discussion whatsoever, she knew what I was doing and absolutely loved it.

As time goes on, my SIL has also been greeting me with tighter hugs, deliberately pressing her belly into me. Not long ago I squeezed her in a bear hug, picked her up, and spun her around just to be silly. It was as well received as it was unexpected, she was all smiles for a while after I put her down.

Man, do I feel bad for your wife. If I found out my husband was lusting over my sister, I'd end up with major trust issues. That's one of the worst betrayals out there.

You're making the wrong assumption that my wife isn't a willing participant.


So, you're saying your wife is 100% okay with you sexualizing and fetishizing her sister? And that she is 100% aware that's what you're doing?


Did I mince words? Is this not a fat fetish site?

I frequently see content on this site with which I disagree, however I remain respectful of the fact that others have different kinks.

We're all adults here, let's behave like such.
6 months
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