
Did you know any cheerleader type girls who became heavier and nerdier?

Could a transformation like this happen in irl?

7 months

Did you know any cheerleader type girls who became heavier and nerdier?

7 months

Did you know any cheerleader type girls who became heavier and nerdier?

I did. I used to be on the spirit team at my university. Now I spend my time eating & playing video games
7 months

Did you know any cheerleader type girls who became heavier and nerdier?

My neighbors daughter (she's the same age as me for reference), was fairly fit throughout childhood and high school then she got some desk job and has basically blown up over the last 14ish years
7 months

Did you know any cheerleader type girls who became heavier and nerdier?


Look at this queen. Proud graduate of Herfer University and has 6 fingers. Shame she got the hand correction surgery.
7 months