
Does anyone else have this issue?

This is actually a huge issue I've had for a long time. Before FF, I was super ashamed of what I was into, and I felt like admitting that I was into it would automatically get me branded as a freak.

But honestly, I realize now that anyone who kink-shames is NOT a person I want in my life, because it's just another way people try to de-humanize others!

Just because you're into something doesn't make you any less valid as a human than anyone else. I honestly think more people need to get that through their skulls.
4 months

Does anyone else have this issue?

So i'm incredibly ashamed of being into stuffing, even though the version of this fetish i'm into is extremely tame, i'm still very ashamed of being into it. The only things i'm into are being fed and a bit of praise (i don't even like sex!!) and for some reason i'm horribly embarrassed of it. Before now i've been scared to even attempt to talk about fetish stuff. This is the first time i'm trying to interact with people who like the same thing as me, so i just wanted to ask if any of you have the same issue?

Hopefully opening up on a site like this will help you get over this. Everyone at first feels the same way about a kink when they first discover it. I've bin down the rabbit hole. And let me tell you. It is deep. And everyone and I mean everyone haves a "kink." Just most people are not open about it in public.

You gotta learn to be your self. Not what everyone els wants you to be. I've also tried this when I was in my mid teens to late 20's. And I was damn miserable. You just need to worry about what makes your self happy. And if people find you weird or don't undrstand. Then they are not being honest with there own self and is just trying to be what the world considers normal. Go slow with it. It will get better.
4 months

Does anyone else have this issue?

I can relate to this 110%! For me, I had felt this shame for years since I was a kid about my desire to gain weight and become obese. I only just recently was able to break past this, because I began thinking about the fact of how badly I would love to be fat, and I realized that I deserve to be happy and make my body fat, and the only thing really stopping me is me. This helped me get over the feelings because I dont want to continue feeling unhappy with my body and mental health because society promotes a slim body. Its my body my choice and id so much rather let myself be fat and happy
4 months