
Easier to be a feedee these days?

It seems like feedees are less conflicted these days. They jump in with both feet and aren't as worried about what people think.

Has anyone else noticed this? Or do you think I'm wrong?
7 months

Easier to be a feedee these days?

It seems like feedees are less conflicted these days. They jump in with both feet and aren't as worried about what people think.

Has anyone else noticed this? Or do you think I'm wrong?

Consider me living proof, used to be sort of ashamed about it, feel much better about it these days. Lost a lot of weight because I was worried about my size, but now I want nothing more than the be fed into a much larger man than before!

EDIT: Like before if you asked me if I wanted to be a feedee I would have probably been apprehensive and chickened out. Now? I am all for it.
7 months

Easier to be a feedee these days?

Unrelated but why does your account say you’re 12 years old???

Anonymity concerns.
7 months

Easier to be a feedee these days?

Unrelated but why does your account say you’re 12 years old???

Anonymity concerns.

You’d purport to be a minor for the sake of anonimity? Why not make your age 20, and put in your profile that it is not your actual age?
7 months

Easier to be a feedee these days?

Unrelated but why does your account say you’re 12 years old???

Anonymity concerns.

You’d purport to be a minor for the sake of anonimity? Why not make your age 20, and put in your profile that it is not your actual age?

If you have questions about me, please message me or start another thread. I'd rather this thread not be diverted.
7 months

Easier to be a feedee these days?

I haven't noticed this at all, just look at the WeightGainTalk subreddit and you'll find tons of people apprehensive about judgement.

Weight based discrimination has actually increased over the last few years, despite everyone being fatter on average.

According to this it could be linked to a resurgence in right-wing values but I'm not making that claim myself: bristol.ac.uk/neuroscience/news/2023/obesity-stigma.html
7 months

Easier to be a feedee these days?

Unrelated but why does your account say you’re 12 years old???

Anonymity concerns.

Jesus. Can’t you see how wrong that is?

You could put any age you want to protect your identity, but you chose 12 when you could have chosen 99…

7 months

Easier to be a feedee these days?

I haven't noticed this at all, just look at the WeightGainTalk subreddit and you'll find tons of people apprehensive about judgement.

Weight based discrimination has actually increased over the last few years, despite everyone being fatter on average.

According to this it could be linked to a resurgence in right-wing values but I'm not making that claim myself: bristol.ac.uk/neuroscience/news/2023/obesity-stigma.html

I think the article is probably right, that anti-fat discrimination is correlated with right-wing views. But it doesn't present any evidence that it's on the increase.

That has nothing to do with my conjecture anyway. Feedees could less conflicted than they used to be even if there was a rise in discrimination.
7 months

Easier to be a feedee these days?

Unrelated but why does your account say you’re 12 years old???

Anonymity concerns.

Jesus. Can’t you see how wrong that is?

You could put any age you want to protect your identity, but you chose 12 when you could have chosen 99…


Think before you speak. There's stricter data tracking rules for profiles of people under 18.
6 months

Easier to be a feedee these days?

Unrelated but why does your account say you’re 12 years old???

Anonymity concerns.

Jesus. Can’t you see how wrong that is?

You could put any age you want to protect your identity, but you chose 12 when you could have chosen 99…


You're a moron. He's had an account for over a decade. Clearly he is not actually a minor, you mongoloid.
4 months