Lifestyle tips

Easily get unhealthy food

What are the best ways to get lots of unhealthy food for free?
4 months

Easily get unhealthy food

Working in food service or downloading every food app and checking every possible deal and looking for whatever is the most calories for the cheapest price.
4 months

Easily get unhealthy food

Working in food service or downloading every food app and checking every possible deal and looking for whatever is the most calories for the cheapest price.

I completely agree with that. Working at this pizza place, there’s an insane amount of mess up pizzas or sometimes we can make our own food for half off. You can get a crazy amount of fatty food there.
Unhealthy food doesn’t have to be the only way to get fatter. It might damage your health more, but it is possible to reach your weight goals with healthy food too. But don’t let me stop you, eat as much of whatever you want!
4 months

Easily get unhealthy food

Late shift at supermarkets may get you free food via food waste.

Working in food service or downloading every food app and checking every possible deal and looking for whatever is the most calories for the cheapest price.

Pro tip, when not using a deal, check with the store directly as they may offer slightly cheaper prices.

Also, check for any work discounts, I get a small discount for one or two services this way.

Check for any other disocunt/rewards programs elsewhere as well, I got a free sausage breakfast roll the other day via my parents cable provider.
4 months

Easily get unhealthy food

What are the best ways to get lots of unhealthy food for free?

Adding onto what everyone else mentioned, sometimes you can get deals depending on who you are. For example, if you live in a college town or big city, you can get a student discount. A lot of places have senior discounts. If you are a vet, you can get discounts or even free food on certain days.

My grandpa is a vet, and he goes to certain places on Memorial Day and Veteran's Day to get free food.
4 months

Easily get unhealthy food

We live in a society where unhealthy food options are the cheapest and most widely available. You really have to work to find the healthy options. Like cook for yourself or pay extra. Unhealthy, processed foods are basically the default. Not that many people here would know, but have you seen how expensive it is to shop at whole foods and other fresh and healthy oriented grocery stores?
4 months

Easily get unhealthy food

We live in a society where unhealthy food options are the cheapest and most widely available. You really have to work to find the healthy options. Like cook for yourself or pay extra. Unhealthy, processed foods are basically the default. Not that many people here would know, but have you seen how expensive it is to shop at whole foods and other fresh and healthy oriented grocery stores?

What’s wrong with cooking? It’s the cheapest option, healthy or not, and its good.
4 months