

I never felt like a freak for being an FA and having feeder tendencies, even though I know my desires were not common. Though, after reading a book a few years ago in which a character describes how he feels like a freak or abnormal for his unusual desires, it occurred to me that those labels could be applied to me.

I guess I do sometimes think of myself in those terms now, but not in a negative way, unlike the character in the book.

I'm interested to here how others have come to terms with their less-than-common desires. Have you always been okay with it, or not?
11 years


I felt like a freak for years when I was a kid, before I even knew what all this was and it was just a secret desire which I kept to myself.

The disgust and self loathing were so powerful and probably led to other issues as well.

Fortunately though, I was able to find FF and the Feederism community and have become more or less at peace with my desires.
11 years


I've often felt like a freak because of my desire to gain weight. But...I don't think I ever really hated myself for being fat.

When I first "looked my desires in the face" (as it were), at the tender age of 13, I went through a long period of wishing I could just bury them. Or throw them out. I would often wish I could just wake up one day and be thin.

But those feelings are mostly gone. Replaced with the knowledge that I'd probably never feel "right" if I wasn't fat.
11 years