
Feelings on ff

Welcome to the site :-) Hope you enjoy it here. Granted, there’s a few who are here solely to build their PayPal account. Simply ignore those people and have a good time!
4 months

Feelings on ff

Hello everyone. I’m not sure anyone will see this but meh what the hell im bored and have a few thoughts. I actually really like this platform. So far the people are nice and fun to chat with. And that’s primarily why I’m here, I just wanna talk about feederism with like minded people and whatever happens happens. Coming from feabie, this is a major improvement. As most people on there are not nice and don’t care about you, only your money. Anyone else feel the same? Also dms are open, I’d love to meet some folks

Always nice to see another black person. Welcome to the fun zone.
4 months

Feelings on ff

Hello everyone. I’m not sure anyone will see this but meh what the hell im bored and have a few thoughts. I actually really like this platform. So far the people are nice and fun to chat with. And that’s primarily why I’m here, I just wanna talk about feederism with like minded people and whatever happens happens. Coming from feabie, this is a major improvement. As most people on there are not nice and don’t care about you, only your money. Anyone else feel the same? Also dms are open, I’d love to meet some folks

Welcome to the site! I hope that you have a better experience here than you did with Feabie.

This site does have its fair share of people who ask of money. But hey it’s better to be aware of that now than before you know? But don’t let it stop you from enjoying this humble community of ours. 👍
4 months

Feelings on ff

Not sure it's that much different here but there are some people on both sites that are here for the fetish and not just $. It's not just these sites, the rise of the micro transaction and ability to monetize attention has permeated pretty much everything online.
4 months