
Gaining supplements?

Are there any that actually work?

My gain is going soooooo sloooow. I’ve been stuck around 225 for 6 months. Worked hard and gained 5 more… and nothing since :c

I plan to do some cream at night, but I really wish there was something I could take to boost my uh? Processing power maybe? Appetite boost would be nice, too, mine is lacking lately.

Any tried and true? Of course as with any supplements I’ll consult my doctor to check for issues beforehand
5 months

Gaining supplements?

There are caloric shakes you could make using mass gainer or something like that, as well as appetite enhancers that you could take.
5 months

Gaining supplements?

Are there any that actually work?

My gain is going soooooo sloooow. I’ve been stuck around 225 for 6 months. Worked hard and gained 5 more… and nothing since :c

I plan to do some cream at night, but I really wish there was something I could take to boost my uh? Processing power maybe? Appetite boost would be nice, too, mine is lacking lately.

Any tried and true? Of course as with any supplements I’ll consult my doctor to check for issues beforehand

Can they work? Yes. But it's not a promise it will work for your specific situation.
5 months

Gaining supplements?

Are there any that actually work?

My gain is going soooooo sloooow. I’ve been stuck around 225 for 6 months. Worked hard and gained 5 more… and nothing since :c

I plan to do some cream at night, but I really wish there was something I could take to boost my uh? Processing power maybe? Appetite boost would be nice, too, mine is lacking lately.

Any tried and true? Of course as with any supplements I’ll consult my doctor to check for issues beforehand

Gaining is slow, but if you've been stuck at the same weight for that long I'd actually suggest calorie restricting for a few weeks to attempt to lose a couple of lbs. It sounds counter productive, but calorie restricting will often make your body think there is food scarcity and start storing any excess calories it can.

Denying yourself foods you want also tends to increase cravings for them - the longer you deny, the more you crave, and the more you're likely to stuff/binge when you cave.

If you really want to look into supplements, maltodextrin can contribute to faster weight gain when accompanied by a very high calorie intake, but you need to be cautious. It can cause big insulin spikes could cause insulin related health issues if you go overboard.
5 months

Gaining supplements?

Are there any that actually work?

My gain is going soooooo sloooow. I’ve been stuck around 225 for 6 months. Worked hard and gained 5 more… and nothing since :c

I plan to do some cream at night, but I really wish there was something I could take to boost my uh? Processing power maybe? Appetite boost would be nice, too, mine is lacking lately.

Any tried and true? Of course as with any supplements I’ll consult my doctor to check for issues beforehand

Gaining is slow, but if you've been stuck at the same weight for that long I'd actually suggest calorie restricting for a few weeks to attempt to lose a couple of lbs. It sounds counter productive, but calorie restricting will often make your body think there is food scarcity and start storing any excess calories it can.

Denying yourself foods you want also tends to increase cravings for them - the longer you deny, the more you crave, and the more you're likely to stuff/binge when you cave.

If you really want to look into supplements, maltodextrin can contribute to faster weight gain when accompanied by a very high calorie intake, but you need to be cautious. It can cause big insulin spikes could cause insulin related health issues if you go overboard.

I'm having good luck with the combo of EatMor (order from maker) and Gain (pink bottle , from Amazon) before meals. Gain makes me hungry much faster, and Eat Mor allows me to eat much more in a sitting even if I don't feel hungry.
5 months

Gaining supplements?

Oh and taking strong digestive enzymes after a big meal helps it digest better and faster with less fatigue. Then you can refill faster.
5 months