Lifestyle tips

Gaining with high blood pressure

I recently had a check up and found out my blood pressure is high , i was wondering if there are any helpful ways to lower it while still gaining or if that is just a pipe dream. Im still very much not done getting fatter but id also prefer not to stroke out. For you real big folks how do you deal with this issue?
5 months

Gaining with high blood pressure

I have hypertension and am on three medications for it. If you aren't willing to stop gaining (which I understand because I wasn't either), then you may just have to take medication for it.
5 months

Gaining with high blood pressure

I recently had a check up and found out my blood pressure is high , i was wondering if there are any helpful ways to lower it while still gaining or if that is just a pipe dream. Im still very much not done getting fatter but id also prefer not to stroke out. For you real big folks how do you deal with this issue?

Short answer is yes, but your milage may vary.

Some people are saying that you can take medicine and keep trucking. This isn't necessarily true. A poor diet and lifestyle can aggravate the issue over time - especially if your blood pressure isn't that high.

I'm not anti-medicine, but if you can avoid needing it, it's better for you.

If your blood pressure isn't all that high or is under control with medication, you can still gain safely. However, you'll need to switch up your diet and exercise more. It won't be as fast as chugging butter, but it's more sustainable.

For example, avocados, unsalted nuts, and high fat fish like salmon are good for weight gain. Limit or avoid foods with hydrogenated ingredients. And, most importantly, read the nutrition labels.

A lot of people don't pay attention to what they are eating. Take salt, for example. A lot of foods have more salt than people realize - even foods with no added salt. And even if you are eating something low in salt, it muliplies by the serving.

Now, if your blood pressure is out of control, focus on getting it under control before you try to do anything else. Better to delay your gains than to get too sick to gain.
5 months