Fat experiences

Getting rid of internalized fatphobia? :(

I find myself thinking mean things about my body and worrying that others think I smell etc. even though I shower pretty thoroughly. I feel like my face looks like a bowl of butterscotch pudding and sometimes I get really upset that I never had the chance to be conventionally attractive due to medication-related weight gain.

How do I stop putting myself down and embrace my chunky figure?
6 months

Getting rid of internalized fatphobia? :(

Anyone? smiley
6 months

Getting rid of internalized fatphobia? :(

I find myself thinking mean things about my body and worrying that others think I smell etc. even though I shower pretty thoroughly. I feel like my face looks like a bowl of butterscotch pudding and sometimes I get really upset that I never had the chance to be conventionally attractive due to medication-related weight gain.

How do I stop putting myself down and embrace my chunky figure?

It starts off small. You find little things to like about yourself here and there. Maybe you end up cutting fatphobic people out of your life or at least putting up boundaries. Surround yourself with people and media that uplift you.

You'll have your good days and bad days. The road to self-love isn't a straight path. But, in time, you start to be happy with the image staring back at you in the mirror.
6 months

Getting rid of internalized fatphobia? :(

I feel I've come a long way in the self love department. As a child and teenager I constantly struggled with the pull of loving to eat but hating how I looked. I also suffered from very low self esteemwhich was generally reinforced by my social circles. But, as an adult, I feel I've grown to love myself as I am. I now just strive to be healthy and not necessarily thin. I've also been learning to put food into a more healthy compartment than I ever had before.
6 months