Clothes padding

Going out in public

I love to dress huge and go out in public. My car is kind of small so I cannot unfortunately pad as big as I would like. I always dreamed of going out with someone else that's interested in this fetish to show off in public. Like one of us pads and the other person is a handler. They could get the scooter at the grocery store. Make sure or help if you have a wardrobe malfunction kind of thing. They could also drive so the person padding can fill that whole passenger seat up. Or even better sit on the floor in the back of a van like one of those really huge people. Then next time out we could switch and the other person could be the handler like the other person pads. If would be even better if I could find a relationship with a great women that likes padding we could do this everyday.
6 months

Going out in public

I love to dress huge and go out in public. My car is kind of small so I cannot unfortunately pad as big as I would like. I always dreamed of going out with someone else that's interested in this fetish to show off in public. Like one of us pads and the other person is a handler. They could get the scooter at the grocery store. Make sure or help if you have a wardrobe malfunction kind of thing. They could also drive so the person padding can fill that whole passenger seat up. Or even better sit on the floor in the back of a van like one of those really huge people. Then next time out we could switch and the other person could be the handler like the other person pads. If would be even better if I could find a relationship with a great women that likes padding we could do this everyday.

Up until this year, I've enjoyed finding ways to stuff myself huge and go out in public! The idea was erotic and terifying. Waht if I didnt look truly fat, what if some of my padding slipped and got uneven?

One day, I was padded, but only slightly, driving and I got a flat tire! I was standing by the side of the road looking at it, I had a large jacket on, so i was covered, but had padded my ass, legs and belly.

This really nice family stopped and offerred to drive me home - which was only a mile away and I could call someone to tow my car. I was so emberrassed as I sat in the back seat with 2 of their children!

Another time, I slid on the ice while I was driving and padded. All I could think of was going in the ditch and getting stuck like this! lol

So, I get a bit nervous LOL So sorry if I freaked anyone out.

BUT, I HAVE had alot of really fun outings! I used to wake up early, stuff myself nice and thick, and I'd drive to this lake where there was a walking path around it. It was very small, and the path was secluded from any view from public. It was in the back of a large business and there were tables and fishing docks. I could walk there, feel like I was in public, but feel pretty sure I wouldn't run into anyone I knew. Only once were there soem people walking, I just looked down adn passed them and waddled on by lol
6 months

Going out in public

I've been padding and going to secluded parks, too! It really does give the feeling of being "in public" while not really being around people 🤪😆
6 months

Going out in public

Oh man I love going out. I travel a lot for work so I'm regularly passing through towns/cities where I don't know anyone. I like to save my errands for those trips, like getting more air filters from the hardware store, or going to a fedex to ship something.

Last time I went out I stopped at a Bob Evans for dinner and got a whole meal + dessert, then went to a thrift shop to get a new shirt for my padded self. So I waddled around the store and tried on a few things.

I love the looks you get and how people have to accommodate your big size.
6 months