Clothes padding

How to combine padding and other stuff.

I've had ideas for ways of padding and doing ordinary things, like reading, watching a video, or playing a game. If some requirement is met, then you add some padding, possibly making it harder.

Reading - Every chapter you finish reading (will probably be fast with long books and short chapters)

Video Watching - Depending on what it is, if you pick some requirement. For example, with gaming, every time someone gets like an advancement or something

Gaming - Every time you die, or if certain things are met

Feel free to add your own ideas below!
4 months

How to combine padding and other stuff.

I've had ideas for ways of padding and doing ordinary things, like reading, watching a video, or playing a game. If some requirement is met, then you add some padding, possibly making it harder.

Reading - Every chapter you finish reading (will probably be fast with long books and short chapters)

Video Watching - Depending on what it is, if you pick some requirement. For example, with gaming, every time someone gets like an advancement or something

Gaming - Every time you die, or if certain things are met

Feel free to add your own ideas below!

I often do house work when I'm padded up. Its a wonderful feeling.

I want to go out padded, but I'm too concerned about getting caught.
4 months

How to combine padding and other stuff.

I like this idea, I did something like it once with candy. Each piece I eat I added to the padding.
4 months

How to combine padding and other stuff.

I've had ideas for ways of padding and doing ordinary things, like reading, watching a video, or playing a game. If some requirement is met, then you add some padding, possibly making it harder.

I love the idea, but depending on the setup it can be too disruptive to stop what you're doing to add more padding. Personally I'd love if there was a good way to hook up like a water hose or something that would pump you up some amount at the push of a button, so like if you die in a game you press the button and keep playing as you slowly inflate a little more.
But that'd be so complicated to set up, and water-padding isn't necessarily the best anyway.
3 months