
Judged very harshly

I’m probably going to get a lot of hate for this post. But everyone I talk to seems to slowly hate me. Been getting a lot of hate being accused of I don’t read people’s profiles, nor do I care about the other person I’m talking to. Been here for awhile, and I’ve been trying to stay positive. But I think I should just not talk anyone.

Obviously there’s something wrong with me if this keeps on happening…

I’m not mad by the way, I’m just sad that I can’t have experiences and relationships in this fetish.
7 months

Judged very harshly

I’m probably going to get a lot of hate for this post. But everyone I talk to seems to slowly hate me. Been getting a lot of hate being accused of I don’t read people’s profiles, nor do I care about the other person I’m talking to. Been here for awhile, and I’ve been trying to stay positive. But I think I should just not talk anyone.

Obviously there’s something wrong with me if this keeps on happening…

I’m not mad by the way, I’m just sad that I can’t have experiences and relationships in this fetish.

A couple of questions:

1. Do you read profiles? If not, then why?

2. Has anyone mentioned why they feel you do not care about this?
7 months

Judged very harshly

Ignore the haters. If they are screaming to look at their profile then ignore them. You shouldn’t be hated because someone else’s opinion. Just ignore their hate.

I disagree. A lot of us put things in our profiles for specific reasons. For example, my profile explicitly states that I am in a relationship and do not want a side piece. I had to put it in there because so many people kept messaging me, knowing full well that I was taken and wanted me to cheat on my partner with them.

Since I've put that in my profile, the number of creeps messaging me has drastically decreased. But I still get messages from time to time from people trying to get with me.

They really shouldn't do that. That is a warning for their wellbeing. Failure to heed this warning means you consent to be my chew toy.

Other people put things in their bios for a wide variety of reasons. They detail what they're looking for, what they are into, and (most importantly) what they are not into. Bios give important information about who a user is as a person and what their boundaries are. And if you can't do something as simple as checking their profile, you get what you get.
7 months

Judged very harshly

FatFalcon:3. This website used to have a lot of gay guys who were into Feederism. But they went to Grommr and Feabie. I hardly ever found my Mr Right in this community. Another thing to add is this website used to have an LGBT forum.

So yes a profile is meaningless if you can’t find your SO.

I am thankful that I found Bigger City for us gay men who are under appreciated.

This wasn't here when I started typing my response.

I'm glad you've found a space with like-minded people. I'm sorry to hear that FF doesn't feel as gay-friendly as it used to be to you.

That said, I want to point out something important.

Fantasy Feeder is not a dating site. It's a kink site. While you can find romantic partners on here, it isn't the sole focus of the site. There are a lot of people (including gay men) who are here for the kink community. Some either have a partner or are happy being single. Some are only here to find a playmate to be kinky with.

Since there are so many reasons you can be on FF outside of finding "The One, " many people put in their bios what they do and do not want. This is helpful to you, a gay man looking for Mr. Right, because it helps you weed through things. Imagine you hit up a cute guy only to find he's straight, married, too far away, or has a kink you very much do not like. If it's in his profile, you could have avoided wasting time by never contacting him. Or, imagine you find someone you click with because you read their profile and it's nothing but green lights.

To be honest, I'm struggling to come up with a reason not to read a profile.
7 months

Judged very harshly

Just to clear things up, I do check profiles. I was “accused” of not checking profiles. I do want to apologize for the rant.

Please stop arguing…
7 months