
Mutual stuffing

I was wondering how many people here are into mutual stuffing? And if you are, I'd love to hear some details on why, stories of how it went, etc.
5 months

Mutual stuffing

My wife and I aren’t into mutual stuffing per se - but when we both packed on a bunch of weight together, our appetites and eating habits became huge.

We would eat so much right up until we went to bed so bloated and fat every night.
5 months

Mutual stuffing

Wish I had more foodie friends
5 months

Mutual stuffing

Me. Mutual stuffing makes me eat more, and I feel good encouraging others and feed them my food too.
5 months

Mutual stuffing

I like that, if you both gain then it's fun for both right? Also then yall can get a feeder later.
5 months

Mutual stuffing

Mutual stuffing is the best because both parties can be swollen, stuffed, exhausted as horny messes. It’s twice as nice 🥵
5 months

Mutual stuffing

We’ve been mutual stuffing for a while now. It just makes stuffing so much more fun and easier. We pretty much always end up ordering way more food together as we encourage each other then end up over accounting for the both of us 🤣
5 months

Mutual stuffing

Mutual stuffing is the best because both parties can be swollen, stuffed, exhausted as horny messes. It’s twice as nice 🥵

We’ve been mutual stuffing for a while now. It just makes stuffing so much more fun and easier. We pretty much always end up ordering way more food together as we encourage each other then end up over accounting for the both of us 🤣

Suddenly I really wish I could like replies 0_0
5 months

Mutual stuffing

Humans are social creatures. It only makes sense that mutual stuffing is likely to yield greater consumption than going it alone. It's also likely to foster greater closeness between both parties.

Many years ago, I had some friends who used to smoke. When we hung out, if one of us lit a cigarette, the others nearly always followed. Out of that group, one girl and I began smoking more together. We made excuses to be around each other. There were numerous car rides, trips to the store, going together to buy cigarettes, etc.

The shared behavior brought us closer and we began dating. As the relationship progressed, simultaneously we were both smoking more. When we began living together it really ramped up to 1 1/2 to 2 packs per day for each of us.

Like with any other behaviors undertaken together, I have no doubt a mutual stuffing arrangement would generate similar increases in food consumption for both participants, particularly within a close relationship.
4 months