
Online feedee scammers?

Blogpost incoming since I'm frustrated about this because its hard enough to find genuine people who are not only into feederism but are open romantically as well. Then comes along a person who I have wonderful conversations with for several days and it hits off and we share pictures of each other. She's gorgeous and incredibly attractive with an enormous belly and breasts to die for. I feel like I'm starting to know this person. Pictures are deceiving I guess, I even reverse image searched these. I send them money so they can buy food for a stuffing, and all of a sudden its not enough and they need more. I was foolish and didn't get actual time stamped verification or ID from them before I sent this person 80 dollars through cashapp so I fell for it hook line and sinker. It makes it worse since I'm in school living on my own and money can be tight at times.
Is this a common or shared experience for other people trying to find someone out there? I'm not an ugly, or unattractive person either and I have success in previous relationships so it shouldn't be this hard. I suppose there is always a lot to learn for me out there moving forwards, I just hate being taken advantage because I'm a genuine person.
7 months

Online feedee scammers?

I’m sorry that you had to go through that. As a matter of fact I have feel victim to this as well, and trust me it’s not a very great place to be in when you ended up getting taken advantage of.

As much as plenty of people who come to the Feederism community to find their chubby princess/prince of their dreams, and I do wish them all (even myself) luck! But however it is also a business. There are those who showcase themselves as a way to promote their “modelling brand” and do whatever to make a bit of a profit, even if that means soliciting off of people. In other words they wouldn’t care about your feelings unless you are sending them funds so they can continue making content and/or pay bills.

But they don’t let this get you down, because they are plenty of people out there in the community who are nice enough to be friends with you! But do be careful with who that you talk to online because you knew know for who used the internet for.

And hey man, it is very difficult to find people in your life who are just as interested in Feederism as you are. I’ve been there before once. But hey sometimes you just gotta accept the hardships and keep going. I do personally hope that you’ll find your special someone!
7 months

Online feedee scammers?

I’m sorry that you had to go through that. As a matter of fact I have feel victim to this as well, and trust me it’s not a very great place to be in when you ended up getting taken advantage of.

As much as plenty of people who come to the Feederism community to find their chubby princess/prince of their dreams, and I do wish them all (even myself) luck! But however it is also a business. There are those who showcase themselves as a way to promote their “modelling brand” and do whatever to make a bit of a profit, even if that means soliciting off of people. In other words they wouldn’t care about your feelings unless you are sending them funds so they can continue making content and/or pay bills.

But they don’t let this get you down, because they are plenty of people out there in the community who are nice enough to be friends with you! But do be careful with who that you talk to online because you knew know for who used the internet for.

And hey man, it is very difficult to find people in your life who are just as interested in Feederism as you are. I’ve been there before once. But hey sometimes you just gotta accept the hardships and keep going. I do personally hope that you’ll find your special someone!

I really appreciate hearing it from someone else, thank you for the positive reply.
7 months

Online feedee scammers?

Blogpost incoming since I'm frustrated about this because its hard enough to find genuine people who are not only into feederism but are open romantically as well. Then comes along a person who I have wonderful conversations with for several days and it hits off and we share pictures of each other. She's gorgeous and incredibly attractive with an enormous belly and breasts to die for. I feel like I'm starting to know this person. Pictures are deceiving I guess, I even reverse image searched these. I send them money so they can buy food for a stuffing, and all of a sudden its not enough and they need more. I was foolish and didn't get actual time stamped verification or ID from them before I sent this person 80 dollars through cashapp so I fell for it hook line and sinker. It makes it worse since I'm in school living on my own and money can be tight at times.
Is this a common or shared experience for other people trying to find someone out there? I'm not an ugly, or unattractive person either and I have success in previous relationships so it shouldn't be this hard. I suppose there is always a lot to learn for me out there moving forwards, I just hate being taken advantage because I'm a genuine person.

Im sorry this happened. You gotta BE SO careful. My policy is if all they want is money for feedings I will buy their content. Like on manyvids or something like that.

If its someone “looking for a feeder” that just happens to be local to me ( they will usually ask you for your location first so they can pick a place within reasonable distance but they don’t actually live there) and they want to “try online first before meeting” I don’t go along with that. Its a trap.

If they were truly local why would meeting at a mutually acceptable public location for a traditional meet up or date not be acceptable?

Imo the best way to go about contributing to an online feedee is through established channels, only fans, manyvids, clips4sale, curvage, what have you. I personally will never just cash app someone I don’t know and hope for the best.
7 months

Online feedee scammers?

It's way too common, and if they didn't have such success doing it, it wouldn't be so common. One of the biggest red flags imo is if their profile said "looking for feeders" (plural). Or if you get into a conversation and you suggest going on a date (you know, like normal fucking people do regardless of kinks and fetishes) and they suggest an online feeding to "make sure it's real" (what's more real than actually meeting each other though?). And a couple other things. It's too bad that this community is so chock full of scammers. Just gotta be careful and set your priorities.
7 months

Online feedee scammers?

It's way too common, and if they didn't have such success doing it, it wouldn't be so common. One of the biggest red flags imo is if their profile said "looking for feeders" (plural). Or if you get into a conversation and you suggest going on a date (you know, like normal fucking people do regardless of kinks and fetishes) and they suggest an online feeding to "make sure it's real" (what's more real than actually meeting each other though?). And a couple other things. It's too bad that this community is so chock full of scammers. Just gotta be careful and set your priorities.

Exactly what I was trying to say! I have had so many of those DM’s over the years. On varies platforms. Be it here, insta, reddit, what ever:

Its super frustrating when all you want is a legit relationship with someone that also happens to be a member of the community and share some community based interests.
7 months

Online feedee scammers?

Blogpost incoming since I'm frustrated about this because its hard enough to find genuine people who are not only into feederism but are open romantically as well. Then comes along a person who I have wonderful conversations with for several days and it hits off and we share pictures of each other. She's gorgeous and incredibly attractive with an enormous belly and breasts to die for. I feel like I'm starting to know this person. Pictures are deceiving I guess, I even reverse image searched these. I send them money so they can buy food for a stuffing, and all of a sudden its not enough and they need more. I was foolish and didn't get actual time stamped verification or ID from them before I sent this person 80 dollars through cashapp so I fell for it hook line and sinker. It makes it worse since I'm in school living on my own and money can be tight at times.
Is this a common or shared experience for other people trying to find someone out there? I'm not an ugly, or unattractive person either and I have success in previous relationships so it shouldn't be this hard. I suppose there is always a lot to learn for me out there moving forwards, I just hate being taken advantage because I'm a genuine person.

Sorry to hear that man. It sucks you experienced that.

Personally, I prefer to get to know someone for months before I pay for stuffings. And this is after they've demonstrated they are perfectly fine to fund their own stuffings.

The first time I pay for any feedee, we sit down and decide what to eat, and how much I am going to pay. Then place the order . At this point, we trust each other with personal information, so that's not an issue.

May not work for everyone, but it works for me.
7 months

Online feedee scammers?

It's way too common, and if they didn't have such success doing it, it wouldn't be so common. One of the biggest red flags imo is if their profile said "looking for feeders" (plural). Or if you get into a conversation and you suggest going on a date (you know, like normal fucking people do regardless of kinks and fetishes) and they suggest an online feeding to "make sure it's real" (what's more real than actually meeting each other though?). And a couple other things. It's too bad that this community is so chock full of scammers. Just gotta be careful and set your priorities.

I get where you are coming from. And I agree with most of it. But I just want to point out that some people have very valid reasons to keep things initially online if you're local. Lotta crazies out here in these streets.


If you guys have hit it off, and they feel safe around you, it's a bit sus for them to not want to meet up at some point.
7 months

Online feedee scammers?

I feel like everyone is chasing size and weight, so they try to fatten up the bigger feedee. In large communities I rarely get any messages at all, let alone donations for fattening smiley
7 months

Online feedee scammers?

I feel like everyone is chasing size and weight, so they try to fatten up the bigger feedee. In large communities I rarely get any messages at all, let alone donations for fattening smiley

There's a big min/max mentality in the community. And some people have ... really gross ideas about smaller people.

But on the flip side, someone who is already fat tends to be more willing to gain weight than a thinner person. Why? Because it's not uncommon for a smaller feedee to freak out once they get a little jiggly and then flake out. Other times they get frustrated about slow gains and quit. It's very frustrating.

I remember befriending a feedee who was smaller than me by about 30 lbs. He wanted to be at least 200.

No problem.

He put on like ... 2 or 3 lbs before he decided getting fat was morally wrong and bounced.

This is not to say smaller feedees are inherently like this. I have met several people who started out quite small. I myself used to be a gainer, and I started at 115 lbs.

Still, all you can do is be patient and don't be a dick. There are feeders out there who don't mind of prefer smaller feedees. And in the mean time, you can fatten youself.
7 months
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