Fat experiences

Playful comments about your size

Earlier tonight, a young woman with whom I work walked in the room where was standing looked at me and said " Hey Butterball". I was shocked. She then looked at an older lady who was also in the room and said " He's a butterball". They both laughed. As she walked out, she looked at me and said " You're a butterball".
In relation to what she said, I could understand her perception as I'm very short and about fifteen pounds overweight. Being on the shorter side, it doesn't take much weight to render that appearance. Have any of you had Similar experiences?
4 months

Playful comments about your size

I always love listening to my friends try and come up with different ways of describing my size. Because they all want to avoid just saying fat outright.

But my favorite comment overall was when my friend slapped his hand on my shoulder blade and he stopped in his tracks and says "I didn't expect it to jiggle that much."
4 months

Playful comments about your size

Love to hear it from people who know me and that I know.

But I've had instances where there's been someone who thinks that we're at a point where I know them well enough to be okay with the comments and we're not, or just plain don't understand boundaries.
4 months

Playful comments about your size

It's becoming a playful joking thing at work (automotive shop, bunch of dudes who joke and mess around with each other all day). They started calling me Skinny one day because I was only 130lbs at 5'9". I started gaining last year after losing weight from an injury and surgery.

Now I'm 165 which isn't that heavy at all but I clearly have a bit of a tummy and chonky thighs, and my uniform pants went from size 30 to 36 (although with Cintas their 36 is more like a 34), so they're trying to figure out new nicknames and just being silly. The other day I sat down and one coworker is like "holy shit look at Skinny's belly! He's BellyD now!" When we left work he's just like "see you Monday, Belly!" I just have to chuckle at it. I can't say that I admired "SkinnyFatA**" though, that name wasn't too endearing. Sometimes I'll be finishing my breakfast or grabbing a quick snack during some downtime and I hear "OMG this guy is eating again! He's going for that 180 next!"

The other day I stepped up onto what was supposed to be a bench made of pallets, and almost went through it. I attributed it to the thin wood beginning to rot, but another coworker attributed it to me getting heavier. They joke now, but wait until I'm another 35lbs heavier and actually am kinda fat. I actually wonder if they will still joke the same, probably if I keep playing along with it. Most of the time I don't feel offended because I know they are being playful, one of them used to be 180 and lost 20 or 30 lbs, he was saying something about getting back up there so maybe he's actually jealous? Guess we'll see.

Meanwhile my girlfriend who is 5'7" and 230lbs will now point to my tummy and declare "ooh, you chubby now!" and then I just say "no, you chubby!" And then I hug her and say "I not chubby yet!" We are silly. Eventually I will have to admit to being chubby though, but I don't feel chubby yet, I just feel "normal".
4 months

Playful comments about your size

It's becoming a playful joking thing at work (automotive shop, bunch of dudes who joke and mess around with each other all day). They started calling me Skinny one day because I was only 130lbs at 5'9". I started gaining last year after losing weight from an injury and surgery.

Now I'm 165 which isn't that heavy at all but I clearly have a bit of a tummy and chonky thighs, and my uniform pants went from size 30 to 36 (although with Cintas their 36 is more like a 34), so they're trying to figure out new nicknames and just being silly. The other day I sat down and one coworker is like "holy shit look at Skinny's belly! He's BellyD now!" When we left work he's just like "see you Monday, Belly!" I just have to chuckle at it. I can't say that I admired "SkinnyFatA**" though, that name wasn't too endearing. Sometimes I'll be finishing my breakfast or grabbing a quick snack during some downtime and I hear "OMG this guy is eating again! He's going for that 180 next!"

The other day I stepped up onto what was supposed to be a bench made of pallets, and almost went through it. I attributed it to the thin wood beginning to rot, but another coworker attributed it to me getting heavier. They joke now, but wait until I'm another 35lbs heavier and actually am kinda fat. I actually wonder if they will still joke the same, probably if I keep playing along with it. Most of the time I don't feel offended because I know they are being playful, one of them used to be 180 and lost 20 or 30 lbs, he was saying something about getting back up there so maybe he's actually jealous? Guess we'll see.

Meanwhile my girlfriend who is 5'7" and 230lbs will now point to my tummy and declare "ooh, you chubby now!" and then I just say "no, you chubby!" And then I hug her and say "I not chubby yet!" We are silly. Eventually I will have to admit to being chubby though, but I don't feel chubby yet, I just feel "normal".

I had a wild 4 year experience with cintas going from 28s to 42s I gotta say it was nice having that service I kinda miss it I wonder what the cintas guy would say now that I need 52s
4 months

Playful comments about your size

Morbidly A Beast:
I had a wild 4 year experience with cintas going from 28s to 42s I gotta say it was nice having that service I kinda miss it I wonder what the cintas guy would say now that I need 52s

The Cintas guy I got here doesn't say anything about it, he just gets stuck with the feedback from us about how badly the company keeps messing up. It seems anything we ask him to fix or order, they always fuck up and then he looks stupid we he comes back the next week. When I had to upgrade from 30 to 34, they took 3 weeks to bring pants, brought 2 pairs the wrong size, and took another 3 weeks to replace them, except they sent 10 more pairs instead of 2. Meanwhile at this point I need to go up a size again so these 10 extra pairs that we supposedly aren't going to get billed for are pretty pointless. On top of that, one of the new pairs only made it a week before they lost it. On the bright side, having to upgrade sizes frequently means they get replaced before they get all worn out and ripped.
3 months

Playful comments about your size

My wife likes to say she’s built like a big bowl of pudding. I just tell her she’s MY bowl of pudding, and I love her for it :-)
3 months

Playful comments about your size

This week a little boy asked me why I have a big belly, and if it was because I like to eat a lot. I was caught off guard, laughed and answered, "YUP!" 🤣😁

Kids and their honesty...
3 months

Playful comments about your size

little kids often ask me if I m expecting a baby.
3 months

Playful comments about your size

My partner said this about himself.

He had wavy hair. I love the texture, but he doesn't. He prefers to keep it short so it doesn't get too poofy.

One day, I said to him, "It's a shame that you get a hair cut right went your hair is getting wavy."

His reply? "My body is already wavy enough. I don't need my hair to be wavy too."
3 months
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