
Question for those with low appetite

I can relate to the lack of appetite. It's a serious problem for me. It came upon me fairly suddenly, about five years ago. I used to always be hungry, and now somehow eating feels like it's optional. It's horrible. I suppose the experience has lead to a greater sense of empathy, understanding, and certainly a healthy degree of humility.
6 months

Question for those with low appetite

I'm not a gainer, so this isn't as devastating as it might be for some people, but I was curious to hear the opinions of others like me. Does anyone else who experiences episodic or chronic conditions that result in low appetite/nausea feel that this impacts the experience of their fetish/kink?

Right now I'm going through a particularly bad spell, and even the sight of rich foods can turn my stomach. But even in general I have difficulty comprehending the gluttony-related element of this kink, because overeating seems like so much tedious work, rather than a temptation to give into!

Gluttony isn’t the right word it’s voraciousness, it’s the compulsion to eat and eat a lot of food, and if you don’t have much of a appetite it might seem like a lot of work but to me it just seems like I’m eating a meal. If that makes sense. It’s not like I’m eating with an intent to stuff I am eating with an intent to get my fill.
6 months

Question for those with low appetite

I'm not a gainer, so this isn't as devastating as it might be for some people, but I was curious to hear the opinions of others like me. Does anyone else who experiences episodic or chronic conditions that result in low appetite/nausea feel that this impacts the experience of their fetish/kink?

Right now I'm going through a particularly bad spell, and even the sight of rich foods can turn my stomach. But even in general I have difficulty comprehending the gluttony-related element of this kink, because overeating seems like so much tedious work, rather than a temptation to give into!

I wasn’t a natural overeater, so I had to cultivate it. I found that I’d eat more when aroused, and that if I had sexual release I’d go off overeating for days. For me, abstaning from release was the key to building up my stomach capacity.

I’m now on ozempic for type-2 diabetes (I was a little too successful with learning how to eat my way into oblivion), and the same approach has allowed me to push through the nausea and to keep gaining.
6 months

Question for those with low appetite

I love good food. The flavors, the textures, the aroma, it makes me so happy. But I do tend to lose my appetite under extreme stress. Some stress = a craving for comfort food, tons of stress = ew, you mean I have to eat something?

Skipping meals isn’t a practical option for me though. I have seizures and low blood sugar is a major trigger. So I’ve had to learn how to make myself eat enough to keep the seizures at bay even when nothing tastes good. It’s a chore under those circumstances. Same when dinner doesn’t come out well. I’ll eat it so as not to waste food, hot sauce covers a multitude of culinary sins, but I’m not going to stuff myself unless I like the taste.

Fortunately my body is convinced that there will be a famine any day now. It takes a whole lot more than a couple light meals for me to lose any significant amount of weight. I haven’t been below 320 lbs in years.
6 months

Question for those with low appetite

I'm not a gainer, so this isn't as devastating as it might be for some people, but I was curious to hear the opinions of others like me. Does anyone else who experiences episodic or chronic conditions that result in low appetite/nausea feel that this impacts the experience of their fetish/kink?

Right now I'm going through a particularly bad spell, and even the sight of rich foods can turn my stomach. But even in general I have difficulty comprehending the gluttony-related element of this kink, because overeating seems like so much tedious work, rather than a temptation to give into!

Morbidly A Beast:
Gluttony isn’t the right word it’s voraciousness, it’s the compulsion to eat and eat a lot of food, and if you don’t have much of a appetite it might seem like a lot of work but to me it just seems like I’m eating a meal. If that makes sense. It’s not like I’m eating with an intent to stuff I am eating with an intent to get my fill.

Fair point, and it made me realize what I wrote was a bit unclear: I wasn't saying that having a large appetite is inherently gluttonous, but that I don't get the specific appeal of gluttony as a concept. And I think it's precisely because of my own lived experience.

Imagine having a hunger that persists even after a large meal or while eating. Imagine there never being quite enough.

Some people will never understand it, and that’s okay, not everyone is a glutton
6 months

Question for those with low appetite

I'm not a gainer, so this isn't as devastating as it might be for some people, but I was curious to hear the opinions of others like me. Does anyone else who experiences episodic or chronic conditions that result in low appetite/nausea feel that this impacts the experience of their fetish/kink?

Right now I'm going through a particularly bad spell, and even the sight of rich foods can turn my stomach. But even in general I have difficulty comprehending the gluttony-related element of this kink, because overeating seems like so much tedious work, rather than a temptation to give into!

Morbidly A Beast:
Gluttony isn’t the right word it’s voraciousness, it’s the compulsion to eat and eat a lot of food, and if you don’t have much of a appetite it might seem like a lot of work but to me it just seems like I’m eating a meal. If that makes sense. It’s not like I’m eating with an intent to stuff I am eating with an intent to get my fill.

Fair point, and it made me realize what I wrote was a bit unclear: I wasn't saying that having a large appetite is inherently gluttonous, but that I don't get the specific appeal of gluttony as a concept. And I think it's precisely because of my own lived experience.

Morbidly A Beast:
Imagine having a hunger that persists even after a large meal or while eating. Imagine there never being quite enough.

Some people will never understand it, and that’s okay, not everyone is a glutton

I think we're talking at cross purposes because I meant that I don't understand it in the kink way, not that I don't understand people who actually feel ravenous. Hope that clarifies?

Being gluttonous is all about eating in excess. Whether it's eating a lot in a sitting or eating smaller meals throughout the day, it's still gluttony. I've met feedees and gainers in this community who cannot stand being overly full but are still pretty gluttonous. So being a glutton isn't the same thing as having a big appetite.

Anywho ~

I'm an ex-gainer who's always had periods of low/no appetite. It certainly slows down the gain and can be very demoralizing. However, it gives you a chance to get used to the weight and stop whenever you want. You also get to keep your clothes and other things for longer.
6 months

Question for those with low appetite

I'm not a gainer, so this isn't as devastating as it might be for some people, but I was curious to hear the opinions of others like me. Does anyone else who experiences episodic or chronic conditions that result in low appetite/nausea feel that this impacts the experience of their fetish/kink?

Right now I'm going through a particularly bad spell, and even the sight of rich foods can turn my stomach. But even in general I have difficulty comprehending the gluttony-related element of this kink, because overeating seems like so much tedious work, rather than a temptation to give into!

Morbidly A Beast:
Gluttony isn’t the right word it’s voraciousness, it’s the compulsion to eat and eat a lot of food, and if you don’t have much of a appetite it might seem like a lot of work but to me it just seems like I’m eating a meal. If that makes sense. It’s not like I’m eating with an intent to stuff I am eating with an intent to get my fill.

Fair point, and it made me realize what I wrote was a bit unclear: I wasn't saying that having a large appetite is inherently gluttonous, but that I don't get the specific appeal of gluttony as a concept. And I think it's precisely because of my own lived experience.

Morbidly A Beast:
Imagine having a hunger that persists even after a large meal or while eating. Imagine there never being quite enough.

Some people will never understand it, and that’s okay, not everyone is a glutton

I think we're talking at cross purposes because I meant that I don't understand it in the kink way, not that I don't understand people who actually feel ravenous. Hope that clarifies?

Being gluttonous is all about eating in excess. Whether it's eating a lot in a sitting or eating smaller meals throughout the day, it's still gluttony. I've met feedees and gainers in this community who cannot stand being overly full but are still pretty gluttonous. So being a glutton isn't the same thing as having a big appetite.

Anywho ~

I'm an ex-gainer who's always had periods of low/no appetite. It certainly slows down the gain and can be very demoralizing. However, it gives you a chance to get used to the weight and stop whenever you want. You also get to keep your clothes and other things for longer.

I think this topic is well worth exploring. I want to write a lot about this, but I need to get my thoughts together on this. There is so much emphasis on bodies, but gluttony and appetite and fullness are definitely part of the kink for me.

There are many stories here which extoll the pleasures of this kind of gluttony, over-fullness, voracious appetites, etc.

I would look to the stories by Shores. She does a lot to explain what this is about, and how it fits into kink from the feeder point of view.

I’ll try write about it from the feedee or gainer pov later.
6 months

Question for those with low appetite

Being gluttonous is all about eating in excess. Whether it's eating a lot in a sitting or eating smaller meals throughout the day, it's still gluttony. I've met feedees and gainers in this community who cannot stand being overly full but are still pretty gluttonous. So being a glutton isn't the same thing as having a big appetite.

Anywho ~

I'm an ex-gainer who's always had periods of low/no appetite. It certainly slows down the gain and can be very demoralizing. However, it gives you a chance to get used to the weight and stop whenever you want. You also get to keep your clothes and other things for longer.

I think this topic is well worth exploring. I want to write a lot about this, but I need to get my thoughts together on this. There is so much emphasis on bodies, but gluttony and appetite and fullness are definitely part of the kink for me.

There are many stories here which extoll the pleasures of this kind of gluttony, over-fullness, voracious appetites, etc.

I would look to the stories by Shores. She does a lot to explain what this is about, and how it fits into kink from the feeder point of view.

I’ll try write about it from the feedee or gainer pov later.

Your poster child feedee (someone who loves being stuffed to gain weight) is technically several fetishes in an overcoat trying to sneak into an R-rated movie.

A feedee is, strictly speaking, someone who gets off on being fed. They may not have a fat fetish or enjoy being stuffed.

A stuffer gets off on being stuffed with food. This is similar to a bloater who gets off on being filled with liquid or an inflationist who gets off on being filled with air or liquid. They may or may not get off on being fed/filled by someone else or have a fat fetish.

A gainer gets off on getting fatter, but may not enjoy being stuffed or being fed.

A fat fetishist gets off on fat. However, not all of them want to get fatter or stuffed.

There may be more fetishes, but that's all that I can think of right now. My point, however, is that with all these things, there are numerous ways to practice feedism. And none of them are wrong.
6 months

Question for those with low appetite

Being gluttonous is all about eating in excess. Whether it's eating a lot in a sitting or eating smaller meals throughout the day, it's still gluttony. I've met feedees and gainers in this community who cannot stand being overly full but are still pretty gluttonous. So being a glutton isn't the same thing as having a big appetite.

Anywho ~

I'm an ex-gainer who's always had periods of low/no appetite. It certainly slows down the gain and can be very demoralizing. However, it gives you a chance to get used to the weight and stop whenever you want. You also get to keep your clothes and other things for longer.

I think this topic is well worth exploring. I want to write a lot about this, but I need to get my thoughts together on this. There is so much emphasis on bodies, but gluttony and appetite and fullness are definitely part of the kink for me.

There are many stories here which extoll the pleasures of this kind of gluttony, over-fullness, voracious appetites, etc.

I would look to the stories by Shores. She does a lot to explain what this is about, and how it fits into kink from the feeder point of view.

I’ll try write about it from the feedee or gainer pov later.

Your poster child feedee (someone who loves being stuffed to gain weight) is technically several fetishes in an overcoat trying to sneak into an R-rated movie.

A feedee is, strictly speaking, someone who gets off on being fed. They may not have a fat fetish or enjoy being stuffed.

A stuffer gets off on being stuffed with food. This is similar to a bloater who gets off on being filled with liquid or an inflationist who gets off on being filled with air or liquid. They may or may not get off on being fed/filled by someone else or have a fat fetish.

A gainer gets off on getting fatter, but may not enjoy being stuffed or being fed.

A fat fetishist gets off on fat. However, not all of them want to get fatter or stuffed.

There may be more fetishes, but that's all that I can think of right now. My point, however, is that with all these things, there are numerous ways to practice feedism. And none of them are wrong.

Thanks, Munchies. You always bring clarity to these situations. I think someone who is repulsed by being full/others being full can still very much enjoy these other things.

But I think OP still wants to know what's the draw of all this, and I don't know that it's possible to describe without here experiencing it. Just as those who have none of these fetishes would be unable to understand any of this.
6 months

Question for those with low appetite

Being gluttonous is all about eating in excess. Whether it's eating a lot in a sitting or eating smaller meals throughout the day, it's still gluttony. I've met feedees and gainers in this community who cannot stand being overly full but are still pretty gluttonous. So being a glutton isn't the same thing as having a big appetite.

Anywho ~

I'm an ex-gainer who's always had periods of low/no appetite. It certainly slows down the gain and can be very demoralizing. However, it gives you a chance to get used to the weight and stop whenever you want. You also get to keep your clothes and other things for longer.

I think this topic is well worth exploring. I want to write a lot about this, but I need to get my thoughts together on this. There is so much emphasis on bodies, but gluttony and appetite and fullness are definitely part of the kink for me.

There are many stories here which extoll the pleasures of this kind of gluttony, over-fullness, voracious appetites, etc.

I would look to the stories by Shores. She does a lot to explain what this is about, and how it fits into kink from the feeder point of view.

I’ll try write about it from the feedee or gainer pov later.

Your poster child feedee (someone who loves being stuffed to gain weight) is technically several fetishes in an overcoat trying to sneak into an R-rated movie.

A feedee is, strictly speaking, someone who gets off on being fed. They may not have a fat fetish or enjoy being stuffed.

A stuffer gets off on being stuffed with food. This is similar to a bloater who gets off on being filled with liquid or an inflationist who gets off on being filled with air or liquid. They may or may not get off on being fed/filled by someone else or have a fat fetish.

A gainer gets off on getting fatter, but may not enjoy being stuffed or being fed.

A fat fetishist gets off on fat. However, not all of them want to get fatter or stuffed.

There may be more fetishes, but that's all that I can think of right now. My point, however, is that with all these things, there are numerous ways to practice feedism. And none of them are wrong.

Thanks, Munchies. You always bring clarity to these situations. I think someone who is repulsed by being full/others being full can still very much enjoy these other things.

But I think OP still wants to know what's the draw of all this, and I don't know that it's possible to describe without here experiencing it. Just as those who have none of these fetishes would be unable to understand any of this.

But I have experienced these things. Like I said, I'm an ex-gainer. I've also dabbled in stuffing, bloating, and inflation trying to find my place in things before eventually settling into the feeder role. The only thing I haven't experienced is being a feedee.
6 months
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