
Questions about relationships

I don’t know if this is the right spot for this, but here it goes.

So I’ve been dating this woman who’s a little on the chunky side for a little over a two years. But, I’ve known her since 8th grade Is it normal for me to want to fatten her up to obesity? She’s gained a decent amount of weight, EVENLY throughout her body, which is my favorite type of gain. She also would sport quite the double belly if she did gain a few hundred more pounds.

I’m not new to the fetish, but this is the first time I’ve actually wanted to go through with the idea of making her so fat she can’t fit through the door. I didn’t want to ask the Reddit people cause y'all seem to know more about this stuff, experience wise.

I have’t told her this, yet. She knows I like fat women (she accidentally read one of my stories on my computer one day), so, it’s not like she’d be surprised. If anything, it would connect the random fast food pickups and baked goods I make specifically for her to test (I’m a culinary major). Though, I don’t want to ruin anything if she doesn’t take to it lightly.

To anyone who’d like to offer, what is your advice?
4 months

Questions about relationships

I don’t know if this is the right spot for this, but here it goes.

So I’ve been dating this woman who’s a little on the chunky side for a little over a two years. But, I’ve known her since 8th grade Is it normal for me to want to fatten her up to obesity? She’s gained a decent amount of weight, EVENLY throughout her body, which is my favorite type of gain. She also would sport quite the double belly if she did gain a few hundred more pounds.

I’m not new to the fetish, but this is the first time I’ve actually wanted to go through with the idea of making her so fat she can’t fit through the door. I didn’t want to ask the Reddit people cause y'all seem to know more about this stuff, experience wise.

I have’t told her this, yet. She knows I like fat women (she accidentally read one of my stories on my computer one day), so, it’s not like she’d be surprised. If anything, it would connect the random fast food pickups and baked goods I make specifically for her to test (I’m a culinary major). Though, I don’t want to ruin anything if she doesn’t take to it lightly.

To anyone who’d like to offer, what is your advice?
4 months

Questions about relationships

It's always important to value, respect and adore someone for where they're at. If you really care about her make sure she always feels amazimg, special, and beautiful. People who feel comfortable with themselves, feel secure, and cared for will experience less stress and internal comflict and feel more free to express themselves. So, treat her well and evrybody wins.
4 months