

Weak Feedee:
when will I stop feeling thin?… when did you feel fat

It starts when you accept yourself as fat. Because you are already fat - morbidly obese even.
6 months


Weak Feedee:
when will I stop feeling thin?… when did you feel fat

It starts when you accept yourself as fat. Because you are already fat - morbidly obese even.

Weak Feedee:
Thanks I want that I don’t feel fat !! Do you think I’m morbidly obese?

It's not an opinion. It's a fact.
6 months


At 292 pounds I know that I'm fat. Nearly Morbidly obese. ( Not according to my doctor). But usually I feel "normal". But some days I feel fat. Not that it bothers me, I love being fat. But sometimes I don't feel that way.
6 months