

i may be mistaken but i think fat distribution is more on genetics rather than what you eat.
12 years


Yes, fat distribution is genetic. It does not matter what you eat, where you eat, what kind of clothes you wear, etc.
12 years


Eating a lot at a time Will cause your stomach to stretch, but you will gain fat. However, if you want a soft flabby belly, like I want to, I have discovered something.
I have diet that I would strictly follow to get a 6-pack. I would eat every 3 hours from the time I wake up to the time I go to bed. That raises your metabolism. But I noticed that whenever I had a free day, I wouldn't be able to fit much in my stomach at a time. My conclusion to that is that my stomach would digest the food and would be back to normal by the next 3 hours. So, I decided to play with this theory. When you eat sugar, it makes your body release insulin. This causes you to store fat that you intake. So, what I would do is eat high sugar and high fat together every 3 hours, but not much of it so I didn't really feel full, but satisfied still. With this diet, I gained about 60 pounds. 40 of fat and 20 of muscle (since I was working out and trying to build) but boy was I chubby. I have lost the fat since and am pretty lean now, but I am going to gain it back and then some more.
So, basically what you do, is eat calorie dense food (high sugar, high fat) every 3 hours and just before bedtime, binge just a bit on high sugar and fat to hold you off till morning. I sometimes wake up hungry because of this diet (since my body is used to eating every 3 hours), but that's good, because it's another meal and then sleep which causes you to store more fat. And just binging a little once a night isn't going to cause a massive permanent stretch for your stomach, you'll gain more fat than your stomach will stretch so it should be soft and flabby.
As for good foods, pent butter is super high in fat (healthy kind at that) so you won't be storing nasty fat that will risk your health. Pop Tarts are pretty high in carbs (which includes sugars). And you can do your own research. just look at the nutritional info on boxes and see how many grams of sugar and/or fat are in 1 serving and how big that serving is.
Good luck! smiley
12 years