
We would love to hear your thoughts - site feedback survey

Hi all.

We're currently running a survey about our profile section on the site and would love your input. Your answers will give invaluable feedback and help us to improve the site so that we can add and improve features that our important to our users.

Click to complete survey

It's a short survey of 20 questions and should take around 5 mins to complete, so if you can spare a few moments we would really appreciate your feedback.

Look forward to hearing your thoughts and thank you for participating!

FF Team
6 months

We would love to hear your thoughts - site feedback survey

Excited for the possibilities of 2024 being a year of change 🙏. Thank you for giving us this option.

We will be doing lots more surveys and user testing this year, so do keep you eye on the forums and your emails so you can have your say and give us feedback!

6 months