
Weight gain begins to stagnate

Just wanna hear at weights you guys started to struggle gaining and how you got over it

It's happening to me to rn and I need some motivation
4 months

Weight gain begins to stagnate

I would start by looking at your current kcal intake and how much physical work you do.

The average recommended intake is 2000-2500kcal, but obviously the more physically active you are the more you'll likely need to gain.

The next step is to look to see if you can increase your kcal intake somehow.

Personally I find it easier to eat 'little and often' than stuffing sessions which leave me uncomfortable. Just this morning I ate two microwave pizzas for breakfast and then just over an hour later 4 dirt cheap instant noodles.

A common 'go to' is also heavy/double cream, but you have to be careful with this as it can.....backfire shall we say. Personally I drink 300ml as part of an ice cream milkshake once a day about 1-2 hours after eating something.
4 months

Weight gain begins to stagnate

There's always the lose-to-gain strategy. Diet and exercise and take off 15 pounds or so. The re-gain is always faster and more intense than the initial gain and you'll end up gaining more than you lost.

One guy who'd lost over 100 pounds started gaining again and gained 18 pounds the first week. Said it was the most intense time of his life.
4 months

Weight gain begins to stagnate

Plateaus are a fact of life. I don't think it's fully understood why it happens.

To be clear, I'm NOT a doctor, much less a medical or biological research scientist.

One theory I have however, is that since it takes energy to produce additional fat cells, as well as perhaps limited room in existing fat cells, a plateau effect occurs.

It's also my understanding that once additional fat cells are created, they don't get destroyed later, and they want to remain filled. This is why maintaining weight loss can be such a struggle, and why regain often occurs.

Eventually, the plateau will end. Trust the process, and keep eating as much as you can.

And yes, perhaps obviously the heavier you get, the more you have to eat just not to lose. Although, the heavier you get, the hungrier you get, and you will crave fattier, more calorie dense foods, so it's more likely you'll keep those calorie goals. But many/most of us consider this a feature, not a bug.

Heavy cream can also be very effective, and seems to be the closest thing to a real life fat potion, but only if you use it correctly. In particular, it should NOT be your only or even primary source of calories. But rather, in addition to all the other food you eat. Combining it with carbs of various sorts in particular. Cream can sometimes also be a bit slower to digest and even suppress appetite in the very short/near term, so the best time is right before going to sleep, or if you know you can't eat for several hours following. Whereas the worst time is right before a proper meal.
4 months

Weight gain begins to stagnate

Just wanna hear at weights you guys started to struggle gaining and how you got over it

It's happening to me to rn and I need some motivation

my biggest gains happened whenever my lifestyle changed. the first big change was the most predictable: more food, more booze. the next change was: less exercise. then things plateaued a bit (or at least my gain slowed).

stuffing (eating past capacity) broke a plateau, increasing the size of my stomach, making me hungrier on a regular basis.

the pandemic changed my lifestyle significantly - i started to snack all day, every day. i was eating out of boredom, basically. that really broke a plateau!

tl/dr: changing this up has always resulted in jump-starting gains for me.
3 months