
Will a nutricionist help me gain?

Weird question, but would a nutricionist help me on what to eat so I can grow in a healthy way?

Or will they make me lose weight? Ik its depending on the person and a lot of factors but would they even care? Since Im doing it in a healthy way?
4 months

Will a nutricionist help me gain?

Weird question, but would a nutricionist help me on what to eat so I can grow in a healthy way?

Or will they make me lose weight? Ik its depending on the person and a lot of factors but would they even care? Since Im doing it in a healthy way?

A nutritionist's job is to help you eat healthier. Weight lose isn't their goal necessarily, but don't be shocked if they tell you to lose weight.

They do recommend you gain weight if you're health would improve that way or you're trying to gain muscle.

But don't let that scare you off from seeing one. They can help you eat a more balanced diet. That's an important way to mitigate risks. Also, it's fairly common for fat people to be malurished due to having an unbalanced diet.
4 months

Will a nutricionist help me gain?

I guess Im scared of the risk of me going and they forcing me to lose weight, or they looking me weird and referring me to a therapist about the "gaining issue" 😅

But learning about a balance diet, telling them I wanna maintain my weight might be a good idea... Not sure but Ill try it some day soon

4 months

Will a nutricionist help me gain?

I guess Im scared of the risk of me going and they forcing me to lose weight, or they looking me weird and referring me to a therapist about the "gaining issue" 😅

But learning about a balance diet, telling them I wanna maintain my weight might be a good idea... Not sure but Ill try it some day soon


With love, but unless you are knocked out in the hospital somewhere and they don't know who you are, a medical professional can't force you to do anything. And even then, they'll only do what needs to be done so you don't die.

A nutritionist isn't an emergency medical professional. The most they can do is make recommendations. They can't make you do anything.
4 months

Will a nutricionist help me gain?

Going to a nutritionist is not like going to a doctor. Unlike a doctor, it's always optional, and you may have to pay out of pocket, so they can only make money by helping you meet your goals. If you tell them you want to gain weight, the worst thing that can happen is that they decide not to work with you. Also, nutritionists are probably less likely to blame your weight for your health problems. I'm sure they have their biases too, but they have to study how nutritional deficiencies can cause all kinds of different symptoms, so they should know better than to say "lose weight and you'll get well"
4 months