
Unintentional wg (cw eating disorder mention)

Saaaame lmao like “oh you’re so soft and flabby even though you’re not huge yet what’s your secret” Haha cyclical anorexia b/p subtype, thanks!

I think I’m finally “recovered” and ready to be fat as fuck though and just blow my skin out so I never get delusions of the possibility of thinness ever again
5 months

Unintentional wg (cw eating disorder mention)

Saaaame lmao like “oh you’re so soft and flabby even though you’re not huge yet what’s your secret” Haha cyclical anorexia b/p subtype, thanks!

I think I’m finally “recovered” and ready to be fat as fuck though and just blow my skin out so I never get delusions of the possibility of thinness ever again

I've got mild body dysphoria. I find associating a body shape with your happiness or self-worth is a bad idea. Your weight can go up or down. It's good that you're able to eat food and gain weight without feeling bad for doing it. But when your gains don't go the way you want them to go, it's easy to end up in a dark place.

Anyway, I'm rooting for you to wake up and love the person staring back at you in the mirror - no matter how you look at any point.
5 months

Unintentional wg (cw eating disorder mention)

Saaaame lmao like “oh you’re so soft and flabby even though you’re not huge yet what’s your secret” Haha cyclical anorexia b/p subtype, thanks!

I think I’m finally “recovered” and ready to be fat as fuck though and just blow my skin out so I never get delusions of the possibility of thinness ever again

I've got mild body dysphoria. I find associating a body shape with your happiness or self-worth is a bad idea. Your weight can go up or down. It's good that you're able to eat food and gain weight without feeling bad for doing it. But when your gains don't go the way you want them to go, it's easy to end up in a dark place.

Anyway, I'm rooting for you to wake up and love the person staring back at you in the mirror - no matter how you look at any point.

oh honey I love being fat, I just struggle living in a world that’s so heinous towards fat people
5 months

Unintentional wg (cw eating disorder mention)

Saaaame lmao like “oh you’re so soft and flabby even though you’re not huge yet what’s your secret” Haha cyclical anorexia b/p subtype, thanks!

I think I’m finally “recovered” and ready to be fat as fuck though and just blow my skin out so I never get delusions of the possibility of thinness ever again

I've got mild body dysphoria. I find associating a body shape with your happiness or self-worth is a bad idea. Your weight can go up or down. It's good that you're able to eat food and gain weight without feeling bad for doing it. But when your gains don't go the way you want them to go, it's easy to end up in a dark place.

Anyway, I'm rooting for you to wake up and love the person staring back at you in the mirror - no matter how you look at any point.

oh honey I love being fat, I just struggle living in a world that’s so heinous towards fat people

Here's to living your best life no matter what the haters do or say 🥳
5 months