
How to deal with the disapointment of ur lover losing weight :(

Does anybody have any tips on keeping things exciting in the bedroom when ur lover loses weight? I dont want it to ruin our relationship over it (plus she probably wont last long), but until then, im worried im gonna be cold fish in the bedroom. its such a turn off to me.

Its not like she has to do it for health reasons or anything, shes only about 180. I loved what the last 10 lbs did to her body, couldnt keep my hands off.

I could deal with it if she just wanted to maintain but losing may cause at least temperary problems

anyone else run into this?
15 years

How to deal with the disapointment of ur lover losing weight :(

Gemini wrote
disconnectedsmile wrote
Gemini wroteBut the biggest thing is the second question. Do you love her? If you do, it should not be an issue. You may not like it, but it should not affect feelings towards her.

if it does, in fact, affect his feelings towards her, then the relationship should, with all due respect, be reconsidered.
i've seen people go down that road, and i've been down that road myself.
sometimes you have to ask yourself questions you may not want the answers to.

You raise a good point I didn't think of. I'm glad someone thought to bring it up.

It doesnt effect my feelings for her otherwise, but it will definately effect the sex, which is hugely important to me in a relationship.

She kinda knows, shes not from the internet or anything, but i told her i like plump girls and that she def doesnt need to lose weight. till now she totally played along, like she could read my mind (stuffing, belly rubs, packing on lbs and getting totally horny over it).
15 years

How to deal with the disapointment of ur lover losing weight :(

The Mel wrote
Woman's point of view: Sometimes we tell you we're going on a diet to GET ATTENTION! Specifically those of thus who know your fetishes, and know that our bodies get you hot. A diet threat, is a cry for attention. You need to, now, more than ever, tell her how much of a goddess she is. Bring her gifts (chocolates work VERY well), flowers, and just randomly call her cell and leave her voice mails telling her that you were thinking about her, or leave her little notes in her purse or around the house for her to find and read during the day that let her know how beautiful you think she is, and how much you love her.

It's worked well for me, I now have a never ending supply of krispy kreme donuts and chocolate bars... Hehehe...

thats pretty good advice..i think ur onto somthing. So far she hasnt lost an ounce i dont think anyways. Shes even taking "slimdown apple cider" pills and working out a bit, but she loves food too much. Its kinda hot watching her fail at her weight loss and sabotaging it.
15 years

How to deal with the disapointment of ur lover losing weight :(

Usually dieting will slow the metabolism and cause her to gain more. If she is one of the 3% who loses weight and keeps it off, then you will have some tough decisions to make.
14 years

How to deal with the disapointment of ur lover losing weight :(

As much as it would suck, if you really love the person it shouldn't matter. After all, our bodies, faces, and who we are as people in general all change over time. On a purely physical level, the person you end up with will not look the same 20, 30, 40 years down the track and love should conquer that.

I know that physical attraction is important, but how important given how great the rest of the relationship is going, is something you are going to have to decide. Is it that you aren't/won't be attracted to her thin at all, or is it simply that you won't be able to shake the desire to see her big?
14 years

How to deal with the disapointment of ur lover losing weight :(

It is often disappointing when your partner decides to diet especially if you are a FA. I used to get agrivated and argue when ever she would announce that she was going on a diet. I finally realized I shouldn't fight it. Its her decision, she knows my preferences and has not tried too hard to lose. Yet every 6 months she says she is going on a diet. Sometimes she loses 5 -10 Lbs which usually is followed up with a gain back plus a few. In the end it seems to be best if you don't fight it because it may turn out better.
14 years