

Didn't even know about a closed beta, but yeahhhh.... Can't wait for starcraft 2... New Ghosts look awesome and love the jetpack guys.
14 years


FriesWithThatShake wrote
I'm in the SC2 beta now, but unfortunately, seeing as it's a beta, a lot of NVIDIA users are havin problems with it smiley (me included)

Going to DL and test it on my laptop now though (pretty good LT)

lol heard about that, NVIDIA has too much of the market anyway, they need to be put in there place so other graphics cards can offer better competition...
14 years


Dont go on very often but on Ps3 im

14 years


xbox 360 - thegamerobbieg
14 years


If anyone plays PC games (I think consoles are a ripoff lately except maybe Wii), my steamID:

I play DoD, HL2, TF2, CoD:MW2, and other stuff.

If Fallout 3 was online I'd invite you to explore post-apocalyptia with me. lol
14 years
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