

You gotta do what makes you feel comfortable. If you're attitudes are as you have described them, then you should stick with it. What anyone else does or thinks is irrelevant. Good for you I say.
14 years


Wow, i gotta agree 100% mate, although, i am rather inexperienced all together...

I'm so worried, that looking for a girl for a relationship, she'll see me as someone to kiss and have sex with, i don't want that to be the basis of a relationship (deffinetly not my first anyway)

I want a girl i can enjoy all that silly stuff with which seems childish, holding hands, going to the movies, meeting each others family's just a real close friend, all that intimacy crap shouldn't even be on the cards until we are both comfortable enough with each other and ready for it.

bah, I'm a prude too, no wonder i can't find no one...

14 years


yea, sorryz...I are a kiss whore
14 years


I heard that JustinNasty kid never been kissed before...
He's also a virgin and takes hugs very serious.
14 years


I love to make out. The wetter the kiss, the better smiley
13 years