
Support group of another kind

I think the frustration comes from members who come here specifically to get away from all the crazy weight loss talk of the "real world" Its nothing really against the idea or those who choose to do it, more like a feeling of disturbance in the "fat sanctuary" some people see this place as...

By all means feel free to discuss it, just don't be surprised if alot of people find it slightly out of place here. smiley
14 years

Support group of another kind

chubbyhusky wrote
hmmm yeah I guess I should of clarified, Im not looking to lose any weight and didn't mean support that way. It just worries me that I've gained 65 lbs in 4 months. That doesn't seem like alot or risky to anyone. Maybe its just me being way over enthusiactic about my new passion and freedom to do so, but like some of you said, what if I like it so much I can't stop. I don't want to risk my health

Not to worry, I believe some of the other posters took it as a possible weightloss post, I was just trying to ward off any possible flaming.

However I do agree with you, as one gains, you eat so much and get used to it, your hunger grows and you start to wonder if when you reach your goal weight if you'll actually be able to control the hunger which you've created.

It’s a very real concern, though hopefully, just as we have been strong enough to overcome societal pressures and gain, we will be strong enough to overcome our own mental and physical pressures to continue that gain.

14 years

Support group of another kind

Well, as someone who gained 40 lbs in 3 months, then lost a little unintentionally, then has gotten fatter without gaining much, I'd say you can't predict so easily.

But I think people would be much more sympathetic to this idea--how to control a bit the gaining process, etc, than most posters have given credit. I haven't seen a complaint, unless I missed something. smiley
14 years