
Accidental gainer

Hi, hon,

It would be helpful to know slightly more specific questions. Are you asking where to find great clothes? How to bring up your gain with your friends?

The journey you're on is great fun, but you're right, there's stuff to think about and get used to.

You'll get lots of great recommendations about clothes. As for your friends, I've always been fat, so I didn't have the same problem you're facing, but I found it easier to make gentle jokes about my appetite and softness, so that people know I enjoy it without making a huge deal of it.

Welcome to gaining, btw!!
14 years

Accidental gainer

If you are gaining on purpose, the joy of gaining has to outweigh (no pun intended) the problems. And for a true gainers, the problems are part of the fun. I personally think that a pair of stretch pants, an oversized top and a huge support bra is sexier than frilly clothes. But not everyone agrees. Many gainers love it when friends and family notice the gain. It means they have been successful in gaining. So, make sure gaining is for you, and if it is, enjoy the ride.
14 years