
Surprise inches

I just experienced this over the weekend! (A little Long!)

I am into my wife gaining and love watching other girls/women gain weight and not gaining intentionally myself. Over the last six months or so I have seen my wifes appetite and eating consumption go way up. She has not gained as much as I would have expected but I started noticing about a month ago with all the bigger portions for dinner and lunches that she has been making that I have been eating way more than typical and I can eat more with out being as full.

In the past when I was working out and lifting heavier I could eat this much but for some time now I have not been lifting nearly as much but still have developed a huge appetite.

Well, this weekend summed it up, I went to put on a pair of jeans that normally were quite big in the waist and pretty much roomy all over and when I slid them up they were tight in the butt and when I got them to my waist I had to suck my new gut in to get them buttoned not to mentioned when I exhaled with them fastened my belly hung a good two inches over the waistband. I was so surprised, I new I had gained a little over the past months but in the past couple weeks it has become more noticeable to me and certainly over the weekend it was a complete shock. I then decided to get on our scale to see how much I weighed while my wife and kids happened to be gone for a bit. I now weigh 228 Lbs. up from 210 Lbs. just six months ago when I last weighed myself on our scale. The funny thing is our scale is the only place my wife weighs herself and I know it is at least 4+ Lbs. lighter than when I have weighed myself a long time ago at the gym, I have never mentioned it to her because then she thinks she is always this much lighter. I was pretty aroused to see the scale say that, I guess I dont get enough weight gain role play with my wife that I actually enjoyed the fattening on myself. I decided to measure my waist to see what it was since my 36" waisted jeans that are normally quite big are now too tight. My waist measured 39" and I then measured the biggest portion of my new gut which I relaxed and pushed out slightly and it was 45" I was pretty surprised, I started looking at myself in the mirror and it was clear to see that when I had my t-shirt on my belly was pushing out the fabric and not only were my jeans too tight my belly totally showed through my shirt as if I was 7 months pregnant. I started getting a little wierded on the situation as if my wife and others might have already noticed and are going to start commenting which I have had only a couple other times in my life and it was very awckward for me. I calmed down a bit and realized that this jean episode and weighing happened about a half to an hour or so after lunch and I thought maybe it was because I was still a little full, It certainly made a differance but ever so slight, I tried on the same jeans this morning on an empty stomach because I typically dont eat breakfast and the jeans fit similar just not as much spill over the waist band.

I think I am right around the corner from my wife commenting because I noticed last night after I showered and was wearing a pair of shorts with my shirt off she walked by and turned and did a double take at me and didnt say anything but I could almost imagine what she may have been thinking to herself, "Wow, he is getting a gut on him"!
Funny thing is it turns me on to think of myself getting fatter at times and if my wife were to like it and like getting fatter herself I could see us fattening each other up and having a great time, although as soon as I go out in public or someone comments it is the wierdest feeling and I dont like it all. I will just have to see how this goes!
14 years

Surprise inches

So today I blew off the gym (One of the two days a week I go now) and had a strange idea to stuff myself silly for lunch just to see if my huge appetite would still hold up at dinner. I have never intentionally stuffed myself other than over eating. I am excited to see if my wife notices my gain and bigger gut in a weird mixed emotions way.

I just calculated what I ate for lunch today and its a weird feeling....I didnt enjoy the food as much as just continued eating which is quite differant than what I have been doing unconsciously for the past several months. I have been enjoying the meals for the last several months incredibly and recently just realized how much I have been eating along with my wife when we are finishing big plates full and getting smaller seconds along with a snack directly following. Today I just kept eating even though I wasnt really enjoying it like I have been and I was amazed at how much I could eat and keep eating without getting extremely full. 2700 calories for lunch is what I had. My gut was full and extended but not nearly as full or bloated as I envisioned it to be.

I will see how much I can eat tonight and see if my wife comments on my growing gut. I am actually more interested in silently watching how much she eats compared to what she used to but in some strange way I feel like maybe she has changed wanting me in shape and leaner like she used to years ago. I will see how big she makes our first plates of food tonight, she even asks after we get slightly more on both of our plates after we finish the first one, knowing that I am clearly done she asks, "can I get you more babe". Maybe she wants me bigger if she is going to get bigger? I will have to see tonight and talk about it if she openly comments on my gain and my bigger gut!
14 years

Surprise inches

Wow....I have not had this much fun in a long time! Last night I had trouble stuffing down the whole meal my wife made me I did however come close to finishing and funny thing is my wife said "wow you didnt even finish your meal." Part of me was thinking she was monitoring my food intake and then reality says for the past few months I have been clearing my plate and then some, so thats probably more like what she was thinking. I still managed to have 6 chocolate chip cookies and a sixteen oz. glass of milk to finish off which for some reason went down way easier.....even though I am generally a meal eater first and dessert secondary if at all.....but in the last few months always dessert to.

So, I got out of the shower while my wife was in the other room after all the kids were in bed and looked in the mirror with my fully packed gut and decided I was going to put on some sweat pants and a tighter fitting Tshirt.....even I was surprised how tight this Tshirt sort of rode up in the front with my newly distended full gut.
Here was the plan, I was going to see if my wife noticed how much I have gained and see how big my gut was and seeher reaction or how she commented on it. I was clearly surprised myself how big I looked more so with the t shirt on than even with my shirt off because of how tight it was it made me look even fatter. I stood in front of her at a turned angle a couple of times while talking to her......she was pretty tired at this point in the night while we were taking in a little TV and talking in between........she had to have noticed but didnt say a thing. I was completely turned on myself and wanted her to say something but she didnt.....I even had my first few lines scripted as if to lead into the weight gain conversation and kind of act vulnerable and surprised that I gained....then my plan was and is to eat way larger fattening amounts of food in front of her for the next week or so. So the plan goes on even though she didnt say anything....I am going to try and eat a medium size lunch so I can eat two huge helpings at dinner followed by icecream and cookies for dessert and then wear another extra tight Tshirt after fully packed....I am thinking she will have to say something tonight.

It is so strange I feel a sense of closeness and vulnerability to her that I have not felt for a while....maybe its just this whole fattening gaining talking about it void that is so much missing in fact I have to get my fill with her at other times talking about weight gain indirectly like when last case her friend gained a lot of weight and she was always the skinniest one out of all her friends. After we would see her and she had gained more we would have fun conversations about how fat she was getting very much to my liking. I hope this will be a new step for us entering weight gain and talking into our lives.

On a different belly is constantly getting in the way with its has been a very long time since it was this big. I am kind of excited too see how this turns out over the next week. when she finally mentions something about my gut and gaining and how she reacts to she reacts after she mentions it and sees me eating way more followed by fattening desserts all the time even after we both come clear about recognizing my new big gut and gain and see how she reacts to me getting bigger yet acting like its unintenional and uncontrollable.

This morning when I left for work I gave her a hug and a kiss and pulled her close so my gut would certainly brush against her and it actually did more than that I felt it push into her and she definitely had to feel its new size. She would have to be blind and out of it not to have noticed this after last night and this morning with that hug. I am just anticipating when she is going to say something and how she will react at first and after I get bigger. Knowing her she will say something in a non threatning joking manner because she is the type of person that isnt in your face up front about things.

We will see how things develop tonight!
14 years

Surprise inches

So I couldn't hold wife called me at work and told me where she was going to be amongst many places she said on the way back she is going to stop in at the grocery store.

I hope this wasn't over the top..........but I said great excitedly, pick up some ice cream, cookies, danishes and some bags of BBQ chips.

Now she asks me once in a while if I would like anything when she goes to the store and I usually am kind of pre occupied and say no nothing....for the past 6 months or so she has been buying way more fattening things for the house in fact things she knows I like. I wonder after last night and the fattening order I just placed with her if she is saying "Wow" in her head right now.

It is hard for me to tell how she is going to react to my new gut and appetite to get fatter. In the past she was not into me gaining weight from where I was at even when I was more muscular with a slight belly, she said she would like me less muscular and leaner without a belly. It seems as though things have changed with her.....I guess I will soon find out. I certainly am less muscular these days but we will see how she takes to the new big gutt and fattened up softer body.

Possibly, she may like the fact that I am getting fatter along with herself even though I have been gaining way more than her over the last couple of months evidently. She is certainly up in weight and has not lost any and is still eating with big enthusiasm and not trying to diet.......she is eating way more fattening things than she would normally knowing that she has put on weight over the past year.

I am planning on gaining up 10+ more Lbs, even after she openly comments on my new gain.........just to see how she can handle more on me if she likes it........if she does and she gains more than I will just see where this goes. I am excited but at the same time kind of anxious and nervous for the outcome. Also we have a trip planned in the beginning of July with two other families (Pool, beach Bikini and board shorts) now I would love to see her fattened up like crazy in her too small Bikini but I am a little hesitant about myself being so fat letting it all hang out and if I keep the gaining going to then or would I be able to lose it before the trip. I can hear it now .....Have you seen those two how fat they have become! Kinda exciting on one hand but kinda scary on the other.
14 years

Surprise inches

I hope I am not boring anyone....but I am getting really excited about all this new action.

My wife called when she got home from the store and said she couldn't find any good she would pick some up tomorrow.

I am going to take it upon myself and load up on some to bring home on my way home from work..........only thing is I am going to get the most fattening and way more than she would have bought.

I wonder what reaction this will cause.....and also....I know she cant resist icecream so she never really keeps it in the house when she is watching her weight, there should be no excuse this time. I hope she eats it like crazy and it shows up on her figure right away.

Once she bought 2 half gallons and 2 pints of Ben and jerrys......One of the pints was for me and the other was for her and the 2 half gallons were for the kids and us. She ate her pint in a 24 hr. period and I finished mine in 2 days...........The other two half gallons were finished in 2 days and I bet the kids only had a bowl a piece the first night. She ate all this not in front of me but I didn't say anything because I didn't want her knowing that I knew she scarfed it all down so quickly. She gets low calorie icecream bars lately becuase she cant control herself around icecream. Thats the one thing she tries not to buy that fattening over the last six months.

I cant wait to start maybe on an icecream sandwich and then on to a pint with her watching me and hopefully following my lead with one differance this big gut sticking out of my way to tight tshirt that I will be wearing. I have to imagine after all this she will have to comment tonight!
14 years

Surprise inches

I really hope this thread is not boring.....I just am really into this whole thing right now and throwing out the play by play!

I have a few questions:

1) I have been taking in way more calories the last two days and I weighed myself this morning and it showed a 2Lb. loss, Is this normal?
Will the weight catch on to me shortly with all the eating?

2) I have not been sleeping good the last couple nights after eating so much snacks after dinner, usually the sugar does not typically keep me up, but my gut has certainly been more full? Any answers to this?

3) I have already felt the effects of the gain when: sitiing down, accidentally brushing up against something with my belly, regular bending over movements where my belly gets more in the way and yesterday while driving as I hit a few bumps my belly jiggled and what a feeling.

So with this new gut, while I am sleeping or even just sitting on the couch watching some TV I find myself taking a deep long breathe almost from time to time which I have never noticed before. Is this a result of being full after eating or is it a result of the extra weight and my getting fatter?

4) Its funny, I dont know if its in my head, but before I gained this weight and this gut which happened in a relatively quick period of time I was in pretty good shape appearance wise and conditioning. Last night I was feeling excited about the new gut with anticipation that my wife would comment on my gain but kind of at the same time I felt really unhealthy and feel way fatter than I appear I think as far as my moving around etc. Is Eating all this fattening stuff bad for me in a binge setting or short period of time, like another week to a month?
14 years

Surprise inches

Its been a few more days and nights and my wife has not mentioned anything!

She has had to have noticed but has not said a word to me. She must be thinking of a way to comment.....because I have done so many things and given her opportunities to easily speak up.

Possibly she is doing what I do when I notice her gaining and getting fatter....I dont say anything for fear she will then try and lose the weight....but with her she is just extending the same behaviour not to hurt me possibly. I still have a hard time thinking she will like a fatter me than her old idea of having me more lean and thin...although she has been feeding me huge portions etc for many months along with herself and has not been showing any signs of scaling me back even after I have packaged and thrown my new big gut in her face.

I picked up Italian from our favorite take out the other night where I was going to try and shock her with how much I ate even knowing that I think she has noticed my gain and new big gut and to see how she reacted to me eating so much. So I cleared my first plate of lasagna and cheese ravioli with cream sauce and a bread stick, and i put a little more ravioli on my plate being quite full so she came back to the table putting a little more on her plate and said here honey and put more lasagna on my plate and then another bread stick. So I am getting some wierd signals and not sure which way to take them. After I had not one but came back to the table with a second big bowl of icecream after the huge fattening dinner she looked at me and I said its just too good.
she just smiled....once again I dont know how to read her.

So last night I ate huge again...she did as well and she made comment how stuffed she was....while she was getting the kids off to bed I was down stairs finishing off a half gallon of ice cream I started the night before and had two chocolate icecream bars where I left all the wrappers and box on the top of the trash which she will clearly see. This is even way more eating than I have been doing for the last several months.

So with my big gut swollen full and straining the fabric of my smaller Tshirts I have been wearing at night along with eating huge amounts of food and deserts in front of her and leaving behind wrappers for her to well as giving her a hug and kiss with my big gut fully pushing into her.........she has to know and what can she be thinking?


Is she amused at me gaining and she really likes it because it makes her feel better if she keeps gaining and getting fatter?

Is she just not mentioning it, because she does not want to hurt my feelings?

Is she waiting to see how long it continues and if I get even fatter till she commensts and tells me to slow down, cut back or lose weight?

Is this something she wants to try for both of us to eat like crazy and get fat together?

Or will she put a limit point on me and then use it as an excuse where both of us have to start eating less, more healthy and she will be on a real kick to diet before summer? If so, should I reject that and keep eating and getting fatter?

Any other thoughts?
14 years