
Your id. what's it mean?

I like ferrari f1 team

and the 504 was a random number ea gave me when i signed up for timesplitters online that has kinda stuck on all my user names
14 years

Your id. what's it mean?

Has to do with an old record label called No Limit Records and the rappers from that label called themselves the No Limit Soldiers.
14 years

Your id. what's it mean?

A diva who happens to be on the chubby side.
14 years

Your id. what's it mean?

I'm a girl and I have a huge belly..smiley
14 years

Your id. what's it mean?

mine is now my first name.

it used to be just a semi-random sequence of charachters (abcdedcba), because when I originally signed up, I thought I'd just be lurking.
14 years

Your id. what's it mean?

Fawkesy wrote
Fawkesy=Fawkes the phoenix so ^5 for the Potter reference.

I always assumed it was a funny spelling of foxy
14 years

Your id. what's it mean?

Computersaysno wrote
Dunnoooo... I'll just look onna systemmmmm...


Computa sayz noh.
13 years

Your id. what's it mean?

My favourite flower. Plus, it has some qualities I see in myself... It's a bit sinister, as it grows best in the shade... lurks, if you like. And it's poisonous - unless treated properly, in which case it can cure ailments of the heart. Aaaah, cute eh? Oh and I had to add the "1" because the first time I registered, without the "1", I put the wrong email address. Doh.
13 years

Your id. what's it mean?

My last name is a palindrome.
13 years

Your id. what's it mean?

When I first read that, I thought you said 'My last name is palindrome', and I though, 'I don't believe you.' But *a* palindrome, that's certainly believable.

Mine's boring--and I might have posted it ages ago and forgotten. Many years ago, I wanted to use the yahoo bbw chatrooms, and I wanted a name that meant 'fat', but that felt too aggressive. When I thought of all the euphemisms, they all seemed embarrassed and apologetic, which I didn't want. Then I came upon the translation of 'zaftig', a Yiddish word often used for fuller women, which is 'juicy'.

And here I am, ever since.
13 years
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