
Comments people make noticing your gain

I was at a machinery auction the other day and friends that I haven't seen for a couple years made allot of comments. These are the comments I got throughout the day.

1. First I walked up to an old friend to say hello who was standing with a group of people. He Yells out "Wow look at how fat you got." and pats my belly.

2. another friend comes walking by pats my belly and says "Getting fat."

3. I was eating a cheese burger and someone else come by and says " I should have known you would be eating."

4. another friend comes walking by trips on my foot and says "Oh sorry was that your belly, I mean foot?"
14 years

Comments people make noticing your gain

I didn't take offence to the comments. It was a crowded place and all the comments where made loudly. I just found it interesting that not one person tried to be subtle about it. Do I really look that fat?
14 years

Comments people make noticing your gain

I went to a going away party for my old work that I left 2 months ago and someone commented that my face looked fuller.
14 years

Comments people make noticing your gain

sippy wrote
Kids are so funny! Several years ago I was in a waiting room at the doctor's office and there was an extremely obese woman in a loose-fitting sundress. A little boy (age 4 or 5) was fascinated by her, pointed at her giant stomach, and with a wide-eyed grin said, "What you got in there??!!"

future FA smiley
14 years

Comments people make noticing your gain

I have only gained a good amount of weight one time in my well as starting intentionally now.

Back after college when I started into my career I gained over a few years period of time.....from living with my ex girlfriend who was cooking all the time and already quite plump and becoming fatter herself, less activity/desk job, no more sports and a changing metabolism from between 24-26 yrs. of age. I was oblivious to the fact that I was gaining almost.

It was a big change and I always had the skinny guy mentality so any comments after I realized I had gained so much were pretty wierd for the most part and kind of hard to take unless they were from my fattened up girlfriend in which case they were great and arousing.

comments that made me feel wierd:

1) I cant believe how fat you have gotten.
2) You know the heavy set guy (I over heard it from a co-worker describing me to another all time low insecure feeling)
3) I had a close friend pat my gut and say "look at this" while describing my changes to another friend we had not seen in some time as to explain how long it has been.
4) Years after the fact when I slimmed down had a girl, friend of mine, talking to another girl we knew and explained me back then to her by saying "when he was really fat a while back", (she never ever commented or said anything back then, but looking back it was kind of obvious)

although I loved it very much when my ex would tease me about the gain.

1) she would place her hand on my belly and jiggle and shake it at times before she was ready to make us some dinner and say "are you hungry yet", ....almost as if my big belly was going to talk and make the decesion and say of course cant you tell!

So...currently I have started gaining at first unintentionally and now intentionally to see if my wife will start gaining with me....but I am actually pretty turned on by the fact of my own gaining and having a much bigger gut recently.

I am totally different this time around.... I cant wait for my wife to comment on my new big well as I am a little more proud in public and not trying to cover up or hide it.

Pretty much every shirt that I have worn for the last is clear to see my swollen gut pressing out against fact I tried sucking it in the other day and I am at the stage where i cant really do it with much success. I went into a store after lunch the other day where I have known both of the women employees for some years now and which both of them looked at me a couple different times during our conversation a little differently and as I left the store I was walking through the strip mall and I saw my side reflection in the glass windows and my gut was straining the fabric (being quite full from lunch still) of my Tshirt and I looked 7 months pregnant.

I am anxiously waiting for some comments this time....I feel like I will embrace them and be better prepared this time and have fun with it. But there are still certain times where I question when my face starts getting fatter (which I dont like) or when I start feeling like I cant stop the eating and all of a sudden this is the time the fattening really shows up and I might want to get back a little thinner before an event (maybe a Pool party with friends......I might feel a little embarassed about that one.

Its funny because people will notice your gaining or fattening up well before they mention anything to you directly, they may comment behind your back or think to themselves. Its natural I happen to be able to tell if my wife gains 2-3 Lbs. or if someone you now gains alittle its kinda obvious to me right away.
14 years

Comments people make noticing your gain

tha was one reason i waited til i got out of high school to gain it was so much easier, though every once in a while i run into someone i havent seen for 3 to 5 years. an extra 130 lbs is hard to hide and i get weird looks. not to many people have said anything yet but its becoming more frequent
14 years

Comments people make noticing your gain

Your face is getting fat or you're getting a double-chin.
14 years