
Unusual non sexual fetish?

I thought a fetish was a sexual attraction to a non-human element. If so, then attraction to large people is not a fetish, nor can you have a non-sexual fetish since it is sexual by definition.
14 years

Unusual non sexual fetish?

johnxyz wrote
I thought a fetish was a sexual attraction to a non-human element. If so, then attraction to large people is not a fetish, nor can you have a non-sexual fetish since it is sexual by definition.

The attraction is to fat, thats what makes it a fetish.
14 years

Unusual non sexual fetish?

I think this belongs on the "gross" discussion
14 years

Unusual non sexual fetish?

winterstocking wrote
I get a very special thrill every time I see a well written sentence.

I second that! Any man who can turn out an elegantly-crafted sentence has me in the palm of his hand, like, instantly. It's almost better than sex... well, nearly smiley
14 years

Unusual non sexual fetish?

Gotta throw my hat into the "long hair is sexy" pile. Something about a girl with long hair thats just hot as hell.
14 years

Unusual non sexual fetish?

Well, I would have to say music. More specifically, classical music really turns me on. Works such as "The 1812 Overture", "The Gallop of Orpheus in the Underworld", "Trisch Trasch Polka"...they turn me on. I get such a surge of adrenaline from listening to that stuff. I wish I could actually write and direct a few porns based around that. It would be fun. And I do not much care for porn. Too boring.
14 years