

I can't do pets, my family is cursed, every pet we've ever had has died or had to be given away...

I'm honestly surprised our toilet didn't clog with all those fish...
14 years


I have 8 cats, plus 2 strays
14 years


I don't have pets now, but had a cat and a beautiful red albino called Curly. She stayed in the US when we moved to the UK, just as our cat did. Curly looks a lot like the snake below, but with more white.
14 years


Thread necromancy at its best lol! From one year to one day ago in one post hahaha!


Well now that that's out of my system. You all may have seen the pictures of two of my cats, Diana and Artimis, that are in my pictures section. Diana is the grayish calico and Artimis is the big fluffy white and cream striped one. I also have another cat, Elizabeth, who has black and gray striped fur. And a dog, black fur with gray patches, named Belle.
13 years