
Fat tax

A) All of you who didn't complain about all the other sin taxes? This is your Rev. Niemoller moment. (Please do feel free to google him.)

smiley Very fat people have many serious limitations, and despite whatever you think, not everyone got there voluntarily.

C) I wish all the people who want to live without any social net would start a country somewhere and go there. Or divide the US into three or four countries and let them have one or two of the regions.

D) It is eminently clear that there is more bang for the buck, e.g. healthcare, in a state provided system than in the private systems. All the stats say so--US health care spending per capita is the highest in the industrialised world, but the lowest percentage of people have reliable care. Public schools are the same, as are roads, etc.

E) If you want public services, you need to tax something. If everyone is unwilling to pay sufficient income tax to fund the basics, then the weakest people--generally the poorest--will be taxed extra to pay for services.

THAT explains your sugary drinks tax.

/rant over
14 years

Fat tax

juicy wrote
A) All of you who didn't complain about all the other sin taxes? This is your Rev. Niemoller moment. (Please do feel free to google him.)

smiley Very fat people have many serious limitations, and despite whatever you think, not everyone got there voluntarily.

C) I wish all the people who want to live without any social net would start a country somewhere and go there. Or divide the US into three or four countries and let them have one or two of the regions.

D) It is eminently clear that there is more bang for the buck, e.g. healthcare, in a state provided system than in the private systems. All the stats say so--US health care spending per capita is the highest in the industrialised world, but the lowest percentage of people have reliable care. Public schools are the same, as are roads, etc.

E) If you want public services, you need to tax something. If everyone is unwilling to pay sufficient income tax to fund the basics, then the weakest people--generally the poorest--will be taxed extra to pay for services.

THAT explains your sugary drinks tax.

/rant over

Bravo Juicy, bravo! *applauds*

*one man standing ovation*
14 years

Fat tax

Sorry, but no... Private everything is better than stolen money aka tax. Public schools are shit, public health care is shit, public security is shit, public everything is shit. Even if these programs didn't constantly fail at what they are suppose to do with huge costs and lack of incentive to give better service, they stole money from people to make these programs. I don't see how stealing money from people is ethical, never the less a good way to do business unless you are a mob boss. Luckily for the government though, they have things like the American flag (or whatever country you are from) and police badges to hide behind when they take your protection money...I mean, taxes.

I'd gladly take you up on that spiltting of the country... I'd be gone.
14 years

Fat tax

rock9632 wrote
Will you be joining a private army to succend in Afghanastian? I assmene that the members of it will have fundraisers to get their equipment.

lol this is hilariously ironic...
14 years

Fat tax

DorianGray wrote
Sorry, but no... Private everything is better than stolen money aka tax. Public schools are shit, public health care is shit, public security is shit, public everything is shit. Even if these programs didn't constantly fail at what they are suppose to do with huge costs and lack of incentive to give better service, they stole money from people to make these programs. I don't see how stealing money from people is ethical, never the less a good way to do business unless you are a mob boss. Luckily for the government though, they have things like the American flag (or whatever country you are from) and police badges to hide behind when they take your protection money...I mean, taxes.

I'd gladly take you up on that spiltting of the country... I'd be gone.

Would you like to live in a country without any effective government? Move to Somalia, try it out. Do you hate any form of government as a die-hard anarchist? Then please do not use any roads, any public transport, do not call the fire department if your house burns and let it burn to the ground, if you have an accident just bleed out without relying on someone payed by the government to save you. If you are hit by any natural disaster, don't accept any help. Don't rely on anything provided by the organized society, go and live in the forest as a hunter-gatherer. Disband all police and military, but then don't be surprised if a foreign entity (which didn't disband it) or just locally formed warbands will conquer you and rule you in a much more oppressive way than your current government does. It's easy to say you hate taxes and find them unjustifiable but hard to not use anything which was payed by taxes of other people.
14 years