
Most you have ever ate/gained

Years ago I spent all winter working out and watching what I ate. I wanted to get down to 165 from like 174. On Memorial day weekend I arrived at the beach weighing just under 167. I drank beer and had sweet mixed drinks. I ate a pizza turnover called a Nico-Boli and later the same day a 8 inch Philly Cheesesteak with extra cheese. A breakfast buffet and bloody mary buffet the next morning. On Monday the same as Saturday all over again. A couple slices of Grotto Pizza or a pizza or pepperoni roll or two found there way into the mix as well. I woke up Tuesday morning at 173!LOL
14 years

Most you have ever ate/gained

Somewhere around 8,000 calories, but i cannot remember what I ate. I did used to do a lot of eating though, trips to multiple gas stations for snacks, drinks, ready-made food.

Plus there was a Chinese place not too far from me way back when I would order pretty huge meals.

Alas, my stomach isn't quite that big these days.

As for weight gained, I have gone up at a slow pace a few years ago. Fastest rate for me is about 20 pounds in a year though that has slowed down a bit and dropped into the negative recently (had to give up regular soda).
14 years