
What do you guys eat on an average day?

Roughly 3,000 calories on an average day. that's enough to keep me at 230-ish. Used to be 4,000 to 4,500 and I was almost 250. Working on finding cheap ways to get up to 5,000 on a regular basis.
14 years

What do you guys eat on an average day?

Don't think about it (too much like hard work!)just eat as much as I can when I cansmiley
14 years

What do you guys eat on an average day?

probably no more than 2000 smiley really need someone to fatten me up :o
13 years

What do you guys eat on an average day?

I have no idea how many calories I dont bother with that kind of thing but on average I eat like a large burger meal from maccas or burger king and then like a meal of pasta or deep fried food and heaps of snacks like chips and lollies and stuff mmm soo good
13 years

What do you guys eat on an average day?

actually now I think about it i eat even more than that I usually get fried chicken wings or a sundae or something with my meal and me and my friend get cokes from maccas drive through like 3 times a day hahaa smiley
13 years