
For the gainers out there

No, i'm actually the opposite really, lol.

I've never been a big fan of food, I was the fussiest eater as a kid and lived on a diet of peanut butter sandwhiches and chocolate milk until i was in school lol.

My gain is more out of a desire to be fat and so eating alot if often a challange, but it deffinetly gets easier as you get bigger smiley
14 years

For the gainers out there

I'm a huge fan of (good) food. I don't have a huge appetite, but I love to eat.

I've rejoined the gym and am on a gaining hiatus at the moment though smiley
14 years

For the gainers out there

I've always been fat, and even before I decided to gain weight on purpose I could eat a whole lot. It was just the love of obesity that turned me onto gaining I suppose.
14 years

For the gainers out there

It was never really about eating as a challenge for myself. I just always knew that I wanted to be very fat. The eating aspect was always seen more as a means to an end.
14 years

For the gainers out there

Gettingfatter wrote
It was never really about eating as a challenge for myself. I just always knew that I wanted to be very fat. The eating aspect was always seen more as a means to an end.

I know how you feel, but it is a rather fun means to an even better end right? smiley
14 years

For the gainers out there

Have always loved food and always had a fat fetish.Society brainwashed me into thinking this was bad,so I watched what I ate and was slim.My appetite diminished and when I decided to gain I found eating a lot difficult at first,but now its no problem at all.SO love food and am SO turned on by my fat and other peoples fatsmiley
14 years

For the gainers out there

i've always been a 'big girl' since i was 8yo, but didn't find myself purposefully gaining until april last year. at that point, i was something like 224, so knowing i'm around 265 is pretty awesome
14 years