
Frustrated with height & physical shallowness?

I catch myself being much more shallow online than I am in real life. Probably if people were meeting you in person, your smile or your sense of humour or something would catch their eye and they would, er, overlook your height. Online, people just say, "oh he doesn't match my fantasy completely" and move on. I am ashamed to admit I've done it myself - stopped contacting a perfectly nice man after finding out he was balding, on one dating site (not this one), for example. So yes, people really are that shallow (not just women, I suspect.)
14 years

Frustrated with height & physical shallowness?

I couldn't agree with you more. I am 5' 9" which is supposed to be average for a man. When I was single and dating, even women who were 5' 7" said I was too short for them. People post things like, race unimportant, or that it doesn't matter what you look like. Then they dump you when you are not 6 feet tall. The funniest thing is that many women who are 6 feet tall or talller will not date anyone who is at least 6' 2". Then they complain that they can't find anyone. Of course not, the tall men don't mind dating women who are short. So that leaves the shallow tall women all alone. But they would rather be alone than with someone shorter than them.
14 years

Frustrated with height & physical shallowness?

Representing for the short asses here! lol

Seems pretty common for women to not dig the shorter guys, i think its kinda like guys and breasts, not all of them are fixated on it, but they deffinetly appreciate the bigger/taller ones.
14 years

Frustrated with height & physical shallowness?

abeamt wrote
Computersaysno wrote
abeamt wrote
So . . . this whole thread was a dating ad then?

Yes, but responses skipped from four months ago to about three hours ago (at the time of this post). So he's taking it nice and slow, one step at a time, not rushing things... smiley

I can understand why. I imagine he can't get his courage up. His bar has been set so low, and he'll probably never get ahead of the competition. I mean, he has a history of always coming up short in the race of love, but can you really hold it against him for always looking up? Still, it's a long shot for him.

LOL where have you been hiding for two years Mr Super Witty? Although, you can be a tad cruel while doing it, as seen above. smiley
14 years