
When friends and family notice your weight gain.

I've seen the same sort of reaction that Buffetbelly is describing. You put on weight and are seen as hitting a certain fat benchmark and people speak up. But once you've hit said benchmark everyone just starts seeing you that way.

It also helps if they realize they "will never get through to you." I'm not saying be mean, but just act like you don't care about your weight increase and they'll stop trying.

I'm the only fat person in my family, so I still get some comments on holidays and meet-ups. But the less you show it bothers you the less they'll care.
14 years

When friends and family notice your weight gain.

Eh, seems my rents have decided to work together to force me thin again, bombarding me constantly about my health, my size, my fitness, I'm sad to say Maximum may soon be Minimum again. smiley
14 years

When friends and family notice your weight gain.

oh noooooo!
14 years

When friends and family notice your weight gain.

Maximum wrote
Eh, seems my rents have decided to work together to force me thin again, bombarding me constantly about my health, my size, my fitness, I'm sad to say Maximum may soon be Minimum again. smiley

Oh dear, that's awful. It's hard to fight your parents, but the truth is weight cycling is quite possibly worse for your health than just getting and staying fat. And the fact is diets don't work for most people, even those who prefer being thin. For those who prefer being fat, I strongly suspect they will gain again, if forced to lose weight. But, as you indicate, health, size and fitness aren't the same things, despite being conflated in people's minds. Is it possible to do things that indicate to your parents that you're working on health and fitness, without changing size much? Like maybe taking up a form of exercise that doesn't necessarily lead to weight loss, such as gentle tai chi or swimming (which always makes people hungry, in my experience)?
14 years

When friends and family notice your weight gain.

Maximum wrote
Eh, seems my rents have decided to work together to force me thin again, bombarding me constantly about my health, my size, my fitness, I'm sad to say Maximum may soon be Minimum again. smiley

Sorry to hear that you are having parental issues. Given that you are closer in age to my son than to me I suppose I ought to have sympathy with them, but eh, my sympathies are with you.....I guess fat appreciation >> generational solidarity?

I think, though, that ultimately this is something that you'll have to deal with some day....but at your age I could see deciding that today is not yet that day. In the grand scheme of things you'll be on your own soon enough, and they will have less opportunity and less power, which should make it easier for you.

Good luck on either resisting the heavy pressure, or dealing with how you feel on de-maximising.
14 years

When friends and family notice your weight gain.

Thanks everyone, lol I didn't mean to take over the thread and didn't think it warranted its own thread, so I hoped to sneak it in somewhere, oh well, lol.

The biggest thing is I think, that they are fighting there own weight problems and I think it scares them that I may be having similar problems despite being half their age. My cholesterol was high last time I went to the drs and they said I need to get it down unless I want to go on meds for it (and i'm on enough meds as it is lol)

I'm sure once I get into my own place, or even go off for holidays on my own i'll be able to grow in peace, but the exercising may be a good idea, I never have been an active person, but now that my bodies bigger, its more of a problem then when i was thin and unactive.
14 years

When friends and family notice your weight gain.

Maximum -- how about going to your parents with a compromise "You are right, I need to develop healthier habits. But I really don't want this to be all about weight. I do need to get more active and getting into healthier eating habits, and that will be my goal right now, to develop those healthy habits."

Of course, if for you part of the eroticism of fat is stereotypical unhealthy fatty lifestyle (lazy, eating junk food), then that may not work for you so much.
14 years

When friends and family notice your weight gain.

76asda8da2kj wrote
Good luck Maximum.
I agree with you that exercise is a great idea.
I think our bodies evolved to do lots of walking and running, so they work much better in all sorts of ways when we do walk and run regularly.
Exercise is for so much more than burning fat !
Its really good for health generally, including mental health.

But if you are not usually active, then take it REALLY slowly to begin with. Just aim for a 10 minute walk every day ? Then up it to 20 mins ?

Sorry for the unsolicited advice !

No worries at all, I think this is the kind of thing I need to here, and I am guilty of being a tad "all or nothing" so I'll remember not to start with a 3hr jog smiley

gettingfatter222 wrote
whoops, type-o aidencub*

lol I thought it was chub too at first, maybe we've been spending too much time here >.> <.<
14 years

When friends and family notice your weight gain.

I actually had a huge blow up with my girlfriends family over her weight gain that came down to a fist fight. It's one thing to poke fun and such. However when you start to put someone down and begin with harsh name calling is not cool. I just don't understand why people can't mind their own.

Happy Gaining smiley
14 years

When friends and family notice your weight gain.

It was mostly my friends in college that first noticed my weight gain in college. When I went home for the holidays, then my parent noticed. Thanksgiving was the worst cuz I ate til I was ready to burst. My parents are fairly big but my siblings are pretty thin. So I was easy to spot at the dinner table with my brothers and sisters.

Parents are always looking out for their kids and had concerns about my gain but after the first year of college, I packed on 30lbs. I tried not to gain my second year and lost about 15lbs. The third year, I gained the 15 plus another. When I graduated, I was already at 245.

When I went to my high school reunion I was was pretty fat but I wasn't the only one. Now I am around 230 and feeling comfortable with my fat belly.

At the last holiday gathering, I noticed my brothers are starting to get a belly.....I guess it is the family curse.
14 years
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