
Memorable reunions and sightings

I have had a few memorable reunions over the years. The one foremost in my mind was a lady from our local Y who was just over 40. Short-maybe 5'2" and well-toned at around 120. Toned with some muscle but not ripped at all.She worked hard on cardio and she had gotten to the point that she could do some pull-ups too. She even appeared in a local tabloid as a cover model as part of a group of "Hot Girls" who went to events and partied with the guests in Hooter's type outfits. The rest of the girls were 25.
One night a group was taking a break in the stretching room and she mentioned that 3 years earlier she had weighed 197 pounds.She had three kids and each time got back down to her normal skinny 110 pounds.Then she began gaining 10-12 pounds a year until she reached 175 pounds. All of the women in her family were overweight-she just went with it. She figured it was her fate. She quit smoking and quickly packed on 20+ pounds in six months.And then came an epiphone in a Dr.'s waiting room. A copy of a women's fitness nagazine and a "Success Story" inspired her. She started with dieting off 30 pounds and then joined the Y. That is what had led to the fitness queen that I saw everytime I worked out.
She rewarded herself with a breast enhancement and a tummy tuck. She looked pretty wonderful-even for a guy of my taste. I saw her at the gym-and in the little newspaper for the next year or so. Then I switched gyms. And she stopped appearing in the newspaper.
Fast forward two years. I had gained 20 pounds from not going to the gym. I run into her at a ballgame and she has obviously done the same! I asked her what she had been up to. She'd been busy getting her masters and had gotten enhagaged, She had the same shapely legs -but they were softer and thicker. Her face was still gorgeous-but quite a bit rounder. She had her big lose t-shirt un-tucked but it didn't hide her nice protruding belly. And her once slightly enhanced C-cups were now huge soft D's or better. She had to weigh 145 pounds!
Shortly afterwards I saw her walking with another nurse with their morning cofee. And now three years later I still look hard for her every single time I drive by the hospital. I know that the possibility exists that she went back to working out. But the alternative is thrilling. She also could have gotten married and settled down with her new husband. And having once been a carefree couch potato-there is a chance that she has gotten comfortable and put every single pound back on. And that is why I hope for another reunion!
Anyone else had a reunion after a few years-or many years that you found exciting?
14 years

Memorable reunions and sightings

Most of my reunions have gone the other way around unforunately. I've seen a few girls that I used to go to high school with (10 years ago) who had amazing potential that have actually slimmed down since the old days smiley

One of my friends who has the most amazing shape ever lived overseas for 6 years and I lost contact and when I met up with her she was slim but curvy. Supposedly she 'got really fat' when overseas but she's removed all pictorial evidence of it from Facebook etc smiley
14 years

A one time sighting

I went to pick up lunch at a little sub shop once. The young lady who had prepared my order also rang me up. She was short and had to weigh at least 230 pounds. But what she was wearing made my head spin! She had on a sweatshirt that said State X-Country Championship Meet-it was dated frpom 31/2 years prior. It was so tight that it boggled my mind to picture her putting it on. It rode up a good 8 inches in front and on the sides.
Now I know all about Cross Country.So I assumed that she might have been an equipment manager for the team . When I commented on the shirt she told me which school she had Run for!Now my FA/Encourager mind was Racing! I asked her if she remembered what place she had finished-and what her times were for an average race. She at least told me that she didn't. If she had said nearly last place -or that her times were 30 minutes(the winners typically run in the 18-20 minutes range) Well then I would have known that she was at least plump back then. I asked her if she was in college. Yes she was. Studying to be a Chef!
But from the looks of that sweatshirt-she had to have gained at least 50 pounds if not 75 from when it was loose. She was a real cutie-I didn't go back to that particular shop until this year -and she doesn't work there now. If I ever get the story -I'll be sure to update it here.smiley
14 years

Memorable reunions and sightings

billedmeup wrote
A cute girl used to work in a Starbucks near my office. I used to see her all the time. I found out she was a manager. She wasn't skinny but she had narrow hips and a pretty thin waist. She had good size boobs and I thought that under the Starbucks apron she might be hiding a little belly. I was watching because I thought she had potential.

She was very cute and looked a little exotic because she had dark eyes and black eyelashes with bleached blonde hair...kind of a Gwen Stefani look. Also, she seemed kind of aloof...never said much but the minimum and not very friendly.

I didn't see her for awhile and one day I was having lunch at California Pizza Kitchen and there she was as waitress. I saw her there from time to time but usually sat at the counter so she never waited on me. After a while I noticed that she seemed to be putting on some weight and her uniforms were getting tighter.

Tonight I went to dinner there and to my surprise she showed up as my waitress with black hair and about 30 extra pounds. I hadn't seen her in ages. First thing I said was, "You used to work at Starbucks."

Big smile, "Wow I can't believe you remember me, that was 3 and 1/2 years ago and I was blonde." She says something about being away for a while taking classes. Now she is very friendly and chatty. When she turns to walk away I am fixed on her butt which has grown nice and broad. Her pants are so tight it looks like she might split a seam.

I hope it goes further then that for you smiley
14 years

Memorable reunions and sightings

I recently went out to see a local musician who I hadn't seen in a year. I was surprised and delighted to find he'd gained a noticeable amount of weight in that time, going from average to chunky with a nice porky little belly. Best of all, he clearly hadn't replaced all his clothes, so he was wearing the tightest pants I have ever seen on a man! You know when someone gets so fat that their pockets gape because their body needs those extra few centimetres of fabric? He had that. I was practically swooning all night, he was so hot!
14 years