
Zombie apocalypse for fatties

sethman wrote
If Zombies were real and then came out of the grave hunting for brains, let's face it. At least where I live, pretty much anyone is fat. Including dead people. Most zombies will be fatter than I am. Zombies in my neighborhood aren't going to be any faster than me, as all the fitness freaks around here are still alive. I think I'd be fine.

rofl, touche.

As for the OP, was this post inspired by the pure awesome film known as:

14 years

Zombie apocalypse for fatties

Honestly, if the zombie apoc happens I'm kicking all of you outta my shelter. I'm surviving, GET AWAY FROM MY FOOD/WATER/AIR/FACE. I KILL YOU.
14 years

Zombie apocalypse for fatties

I'd turn the stereo up to 11, put on "Can't stop me now" by Queen, and go out in style!
14 years

Zombie apocalypse for fatties

Well, I'm going to assume that if I wake up in a zombie apocalypse, I'll discover my latent necromantic powers, so, you know, I'll be the one leading the disgusting crumbling army of zombies. Seems like a reasonable plan.
14 years

Zombie apocalypse for fatties

Ffancy wrote
Well, I'm going to assume that if I wake up in a zombie apocalypse, I'll discover my latent necromantic powers, so, you know, I'll be the one leading the disgusting crumbling army of zombies. Seems like a reasonable plan.

You. Are. AWESOME!!! smiley
14 years

Zombie apocalypse for fatties

OK, to give a semi-serious response:

Option 1: Figure out that it is a local thing. Grab maps, water, highly portable food, and the whole family gets on our bicycles. No way that bikes can't get around, even if roads are too much of a mess for cars. We aren't super athletes, but 15 miles should get us out of the city in any one of a few directions, and we should manage that OK so long as we don't have to go hard the whole way.

Option 2: It covers a larger area, but we think that there may be help on the way. Keep our solid doors locked, barricade the windows, haul food and water to our most easily blocked off room, and hope for the best.

Option 3: It seems to be everywhere. Meh, maybe we could live on the run for a while, but sooner or later the odds would catch up with us. Would give serious thought to ending things more gently (slit wrists in the tub? Massive overdose of alcohol?)
14 years

Zombie apocalypse for fatties

Honestly if it were to happen. Id probably just close the lights and shades and continue to either watching tv or playing video games.( assuming they dont come in to my house ill try to make like nobodies home). if they dont bother me i wont bother them
14 years