
Weight gain supplements

Just wondeing if anyone has tried these to gain weight and if so which ones worked best for them..
have been thinking about trying the Sugar-Free weight gain shakes..
14 years

Weight gain supplements

Most weight gain shakes in the shop are for muscle's and not for getting fatter. You can make shakes self, with icecream, a lot of cream and some rich quark. You can fill it on with a little bit butter and a lot of sugar. Try to drink twice shakes from 1 liter a day (morning and evening) and you will gain 4 to 5 lbs in a week. Sugar an cream are rich fatmakers. And I think it's not bad to eat that the whole day. Good luck.
<3 Henk
14 years

Weight gain supplements

what is you need it sugar free...what do you suggest
14 years