
Introduction/ say hello, thread

haya i am DemonNeko from the Uk wanted 2 drop a hello 2 ya all smiley smiley
14 years

Introduction/ say hello, thread

Hi, Andrea--

First of all, welcome, and secondly, congratulations. Deciding to be happy is a wonderful thing. And if you're anything like me, the decision to stop worrying is an incredible starting place for a very fun journey! smiley
14 years

Introduction/ say hello, thread

Hello, I'm walledfires! I am an East Coast based big guy. I travel the US and Europe (and soon Japan/China) very often as I am a touring experimental electronic musician. I am not so much a feeder or feedee but I am a foodie to the highest degree! I am interested in meeting people from all over the globe as it is always nice to have a friendly face in a different place!
14 years

Introduction/ say hello, thread

Hey guys.
I'm Max and I'm originally from Virginia, but I moved up to the Big Apple to go to college. I've been a member of this site for a while now, just observing and whatnot, but now, at 2:30 or so in the morning, I've decided to get more involved in this great site.

I love big beautiful women who are confident in their bodies and I love the natural beauty of the human figure.
Look for me to post some pictures (finally) and some videos etc. Soon.

Nice to meet everyone! smiley
14 years

Introduction/ say hello, thread

Hi everyone, I am new here... I'm a longtime FA who has been lurking for several years. Now, having gained some weight, I am finding it kind of exciting, and wrestling with whether to continue gaining myself.

So obviously I came to the right place!

14 years

Introduction/ say hello, thread

Hey my name is Megan. I've been in to 'being fat' since I can remember. I signed up here a couple of years ago while I tried to gain a bit of weight and then chickened out and deleted my account.

Now I'm back because I need an outlet to discuss my interest of weight gain. No one else in my family would understand (my mother is a health nut and hates that I'm over weight) and I'm not even comfortable talking to any of my friends about it.

I'm not sure if I want to gain anymore weight, I'm at 255 right now and I think I just want to get comfortable in myself first and ask questions and just let me see that I'm not weird. smiley

Oh, I live in NC and I'm 24. smiley
14 years

Introduction/ say hello, thread

I'm a guy from Ohio. I signed up for this site a long time ago and I've been quieter than I probably should be. Probably still will be fairly quiet. smiley
14 years

Introduction/ say hello, thread


I have been registered on here for many years, but never seen this thread, so I do a proper introduction.

My name is Markus, also known as Rubens_Feeder. I am 6 foot 4, average built (a little more than 1 year ago, thanks to Costco and the pentyful American food ;-) Some of you might have read my stories and articles that I have written on my webpage for a little more then 10 years. Although I know that most traffic on my site is from Europe, where I am originally from (Switzerland). I relocated and am now living in the SF Bay area and love it there.
You could say that my site and my writing is specialized in the extremer parts of of feeding and some have told me that it is the most extreme and outspoken direct site on the web. I am pretty sure that I probably make some people (even FAs) fall off the chair when they read what I write.

In terms of Feeding, I am pretty far and have lived it out in real life several times, although not as much as I liked. Feeding is something very very complicated, as I learned. I stand by my own passion though and know that I am a feeder and will always be one. I really only feed women and am hetero, but have great respect for homosexuals and bi people. When it comes to feeding, there isn't anything I don't like. From the totally harmless (going out to eat together, **watching a feedee eat, while propping my head up my hands and doing a *ahhhhhhhh* in appreciation** to full fledged force feeding (yes, that thing with a tube, which I seem to be the only one having written about an experience, I love that and everything in beetween.
Often people that read my stories assume that for me a feedee has to be very large and I always wonder what that is. I love feedees of all sizes, fattening up a thin woman and seeing her get plump and then really fat is so hot and unique, as well as helping a plump woman with a little cute fat belly transform it into a large fat laden wobbly one, as well as to help a already fat woman with a large soft belly fullfill her feeding dream that she has lived out on and off alone, the reason for her belly and fatten her up to get that hanging gut that we both find so sexy.

I am a very respectful feeder and will never feed anybody without her consent. I have been accused of being too nice, which I just the way I am. Many are surprised to find such a sweet nice person behind these extreme stories. It is the way my vivid imagination is married to my lust to explore and the extreme.

I only feed true feedees, meaning women that love and get hot at their own fat and gaining. "Just doing it for me" totally turns me off.
So having power over a feede is not something I crave, I believe in equalness, although I think a little submissiveness is sexy. Most of the feedees I have had so far have been strong women though and I like it that way.
My way of feeding is that I help you discover what is already inside you. I don't add anything that isn't there already, but I am there to unleash, to free the lust for fat and gaining.

So I am out of the closet and have been for a long time, and would like to share my experiences with other feeders and feedees, talk about it and also become friends, even when no feeding is involved, which in many cases won't.

So sorry for being so long, but I just wanted to do a proper introduction, so you can tell where I come from and what I am like.

Markus (aka Rubens_Feeder)
14 years

Introduction/ say hello, thread

Hi everyone! I've been on the site for a while but kinda passive untill now. I'm an FA (openly) and love curvy big girls! I'm not a skinny guy and I don't want to be but even though I like the idea of getting bigger I don't feel confident enough gaining weight on my own. Anyway, I'm going to enjoy hangin' around this forum more often!
14 years

Introduction/ say hello, thread

Hello all! After lurking here for a few years I have finally decided to be more open about what I like. I am in New York and while I am not really big girls (no offense ladies), I do enjoy watch a girl fatten and plump. I am generally a quiet person/lurker to begin with but I look forward to poking my head around every now and then.
14 years
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