
Wow stephenie meyer really blew up...

For anyone who couldn't find it, the slideshow is at the bottom. Took me a while to find it...

Really interesting, it looks like she doubled her weight.
14 years

Wow stephenie meyer really blew up...

If only Bella (Kristen Stewart) could do the same smiley
14 years

Wow stephenie meyer really blew up...

From the picture in the slide show, I'd have guessed pregnant, more than simply having gained weight....but other pictures may show it differently.
14 years

Wow stephenie meyer really blew up...

Maximum wrote
If only Bella (Kristen Stewart) could do the same smiley

That woman could put on all the weight she wanted and I'd still find her as ugly as sin.
14 years

Wow stephenie meyer really blew up...

chubsqueezer wrote
Totally not pregnant, you can see her legs are pretty hefty and her forearms are fat, which is a bit hard to accomplish. I think she looks better with a bit of poundage on her. I've never read her books or seen a movie. No interest, seem like the new version of Ann Rice's vampire series.

lol I'm a straight male but I'd rather watch a movie with Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise and Antonio Banderas as vampires than Robert Pattinson
14 years

Wow stephenie meyer really blew up...

sethman wrote
they all seem to totally suck.

I thought thats what Vampires were supposed to do? smiley

lol though I'll deffinetly jump on the "non-sparkly" vampire bandwagon! smiley
14 years

Wow stephenie meyer really blew up...

She has really become gorgeous. Let's hope she continues to gain. And let's especially hope she doesn't turn into a spokesperson for a diet company.
14 years

Wow stephenie meyer really blew up...

Mira wrote
I really don't see the appeal of Robert Pattinson- he looks like he has terrible personal hygiene. No matter what my age was, that was never appealing. I get the slightly effeminate thing- lord knows I was obsessed with Duran Duran (Roger Taylor was my big crush), but geez, have a shower once in a while.

I'm pretty sure most twihards don't give a flip about RPatz, they care about Edward as he is the "perfect man", RPatz just happens to be the guy portaying him so he gets the incidental fan following.

Trust me, they could have got any butt ugly dude to play Edward and he would have become a sex symbol over night.
14 years

Wow stephenie meyer really blew up...

sethman wrote
I've actually found more successful pedophiles than I've seen BBW twilight fans.

Example: I'm in line to see Knight and Day with my girlfriend (which was actually pretty good, by the way. Don't judge Tom Cruise's movies based solely on his batsh*t crazy personal life). In front of me is a girl maybe about 14-16. Thin, a bit plain looking. A middle aged man (pedophile moustache included) walked up to her.

Modern Humbert Humbert: Excuse me, I don't mean to be weird or anything, but you look exactly how I pictured Bella when I was reading the books.

Modern Lolita: Wow, really? Thank you so much, I can't believe anyone would think that!

Modern Humbert Humbert: Believe me, I do.

Modern Humbert Humbert proceeds to cut us in line, pay for his and her tickets to Eclipse, and goes to the movie with her.

Understandably, both my girlfriend and I were horrified.

*shudder violently*

I gotta agree with your Tom Cruise assessment, personal life aside, he is a FANTASTIC actor, I still can't believe how well he pulled off Lestat in Interview with a Vampire...
14 years

Wow stephenie meyer really blew up...

sethman wrote
Oh, and as for the other topic I was discussing, I should probably also mention that the story has a happy ending. After the movie, my girlfriend and I left the theatre and saw security escorting him out of the building alone.

Thank God, I know I'd wanna do more then "escort" him... smiley
14 years