
Diabetic gainer

Hi there all,

I joined a while back but im still relatively knew here.

Been trying to gain for a while with no success and was looking for any advice that anyone on here has.

Situation is I find it very hard to gain weight. Im diabetic (Type 1) which means theres only so much sugar I can have in one go before it becomes unhealthy, which obviously makes gaining very hard. That mixed with a very high metabolism means Im still as skinny as a rake.

I would call my diabetes very very well controlled (maybe im lucky there) so its not really the trying to gain that I have problems with, it’s the actual putting on weight that’s the trouble.

Any tips would be very helpful. And then hopefully I can finally start to put the pounds on. smiley

14 years

Diabetic gainer

Eh, those two words don't seem like they should ever be next to each other...

If you need to gain for health reasons, I'd consult your doctor, but if you're risking your health and life to satisfy a fetish, you may want to rethink your priorities.

Then again, I don't know you or your situation, I just don't see how a Diabetic Gainer can realisticly be successful...
14 years

Diabetic gainer

It sucks but they've got a point, when I was diagnosed with type II diabetes earlier this month I thought that it was the end of the world.

Mind you the thought that I can no longer gain, and further I actually have to lose a large amount of weight, is still a thought that almost disgusts me. I honestly don't know what I'll do when I lose the weight...
14 years

Diabetic gainer

angelofgluttony wrote
Stella wrote
I know the difficulty of gaining while being diabetic. The important thing is the sugar levels being maintained, while eating in a reasonably healthy manner. Gains will actually come with the medications as the reduced sugar levels will help with the increase in gaining. It is also important to consider that 20 years ago doctors were not concerned with patients whose blood sugars were in the 200 range. Most adults at the time were averaging this anyway. When sugar levels exceeded 300 then modifications to diet were in order. It seems that most people have the disease simply because the standards were lowered. The result is more med sales, lab work and doctor visits. The same rule applies to weight charts, and the modern immage of beauty.

Do you use any meds to manage yours or just "diet" (for lack of a better word at the moment) I'm borderline diabetic and I've found Glucophage makes me sick - I'm trying herbal supplements hoping they work and I guess I'm gonna have to take it easy on the cheap fast food burgers for a while smiley I just tested and got a scare but I don't want to lose any weight.

I'm on Metformin Hydrochloride, and haven't had any adverse side effects from it. Though that's just for post-meal sugar level.
14 years

Diabetic gainer

This has turned into a very informative thread, I hope all of you continue to remain healthy. smiley
14 years

Diabetic gainer

All I know is that almonds are supposed to help lower blood pressure. Eating them should help with staying healthy and gaining weight.
14 years

Diabetic gainer

I hear what you're saying Angel, sometimes when I eat ridiculously miniscule amounts at dinner my sugar is 20 points HIGHER the next day. And it appears that about half the time when I eat about 50g of carbohydrates for my last meal of the day my sugar drops. This confuses me so much cause if I eat just a little bit more or a bit less even my sugar jumps a little the next day.
14 years

Diabetic gainer

angelofgluttony wrote
OniGumo wrote
I hear what you're saying Angel, sometimes when I eat ridiculously miniscule amounts at dinner my sugar is 20 points HIGHER the next day. And it appears that about half the time when I eat about 50g of carbohydrates for my last meal of the day my sugar drops. This confuses me so much cause if I eat just a little bit more or a bit less even my sugar jumps a little the next day.

Yeah my mother in law told me that you need to eat something small like some peanut butter on a cracker before bed. The liver for some reason thinks you need more sugar released while you sleep even though we already have too much in our system. The cholesterol pill messes with the liver so I think that's why that causes higher morning sugar too for me... I'm hoping avoiding beef keeps me from needing the meds for that...

Diabetes is a very cruel disease imho, it limits carbs which forces you to eat things with higher fat content which can lead to other problems down the's just no good I wish it would go away smiley
14 years