
An honest question for the non-gainers here...

From the About Us section of the website:

"About Our Community:
Although the focus of this website is on fat related fantasies, these come in many wide and varied forms. We also have many diverse groups within the community, such as different ages, locations and sexual orientations."
14 years

An honest question for the non-gainers here...

As a non-gainer or feeder I would say it's pretty obvious within minutes of checking the forums, peoples profiles and chats that there is a wide variety of people, tastes and mind sets on this site. A name is just a name.
14 years

An honest question for the non-gainers here...

I think most people are avoiding the question. Everyone is just waiting to jump on the questioner. But, he is NOT saying these people are not welcome. He is curious as to why they are here. I was curious too, which is why I clicked on the thread. Perhaps if the people who are here, who are not gainers or FAs answered the question, it would give everyone a better undrstanding of the other people who are here.
14 years

An honest question for the non-gainers here...

For all of you who are newer here, there was a time when FF was mainly feeding types. And it wasn't so long ago.

I think most of us like the site with more folks, and you are all adding lots to the site and livening it up in fabulous ways. But it is a bit of a loss for some of us--though I don't mean by that that I would go back! It's just that a lot of people react badly to feeding, and the great thing about being here is that it's a feeding-safe-zone. So to the extent that that is diminished, even a tiny bit, it's a drag.

But the trade-offs seem clearly worth it to me, at least so far.
14 years

An honest question for the non-gainers here...

disconnectedsmile wrote
but sometimes when feederism discussions arise, you get the few people crying out "feederism is bad you should love people as they are rabble rabble" while holding pitchforks (only a mild exaggeration smiley ).
this doesn't happen with every gaining-centric discussion, but it happens often enough to where, i, as a gainer and feeder, don't feel safe 100% of the time.

If you don't feel safe, we have a genuine problem. I think when that happens, you should keep a copy of the conversation and report it to a moderator.

That doesn't mean that those of us interested in feeding need to be a majority, even. There's a real commitment among all the moderators and especially the site owner to keep this place open and comfortable and safe for us, and that's all that's required.
14 years

An honest question for the non-gainers here...

I'm glad to see this thread has remained civil smiley

Ok, Disconnected, I empathise entirely with where you are coming from, I have no problem with this site being open to anyone, but it does get a tad "what the" when you see someone arguing against feeding, granted it is rare and most tend to be trolls, but then some regular members support them and your left all confuzzled lol.

Another troubling thing I notice is girls with profiles which spend a good couple of lines talking about how they have no interest in feederism or anything like that so if you mention it they'll hate you (exaggerating here peoples) This sort of thing is what leaves me wondering "well why come here at all then".

Of course, this isn't very good to think either, cause we all know the treatment women get on here from over eager feeder/fa's, so they need to say this stuff to at least ward off some of the creepers. However I think its the tone more then the actual message which makes the whole thing seem wrong.

At the end of the day though, no matter how much we open to various other elements, this site is built on Feederism and always will be, It just wouldn't be the same site without it. smiley
14 years

An honest question for the non-gainers here...

Elementry_Penguin wrote
I suppose I would have to class myself as a FA (Though I definitely have feederism fantasies)

The reason why I prefer this site to some of the others out there is that it's not a weight loss club. So many of the other BBW sites out there are full of discussions about "Why won't men accept our curves??", right beside the "I'm tired of being fat, lets get skinny!!" conversations. It seems to be a "Love me for me, and hate my body.. which I think is disgusting" mentality. Fat Admirers are not what these people want, they'd much prefer Fat Accepters..

So whilst not all the women on here are looking to gain, most are fairly comfortable in their own skin, proud of their bodies and who are realistically not looking to hook-up with guys who are planing to somehow ignore their entire physical being. That and I certainly can't imagine the forums here ever getting over run with dietry discussions (Well, atleast not of that variety)

Strangely, most people I talk to in other BBW communities image FF to be full of crazy people. Ha

Very nice, this is the sort of environment we aim for and why we tend to discourage negative discusion of the sites subject matter, good to hear people appreciate it. smiley
14 years

An honest question for the non-gainers here...

PoisonPrincess wrote
I'm not a gainer or a feeder. Don't think I really fit into any of he pigeon holes. I'm on this site because my boyfriend introduced me to it to show me that big can be beautiful. I'm a big(ish) girl and have alot of issues with it. Joined this site to help me learn to love my curves.

I don't if this will strike you as useful, but I love love love this piece of writing: -and there's lots of good things in the archives on that site for those who want to learn to love their curves, in quite a different from this site, which is also good.
14 years

An honest question for the non-gainers here...

I'm here because I get turned on by the idea of being fattened up -- and this site provides a safe place for me to explore and talk about my feedee sexuality. However, in real life I'm comfortable with my (plump) body and pot belly, although I do try my best to keep my weight under control. It's a struggle because I have a very low metabolism and have a RMR of only 1500 calories/day even though I weigh 210+ pounds, and work out like a fiend. I have three cousins who are 400+ pounds, so I'm the "skinny" one in the family LOL
14 years