
How do love the body who were born into?

Morever wrote
As a FA I can say that however good looking a fat gal is, if she doesn't like herself there is no way on earth I am going to be attracted to her.

I second that.

And the opposite effect of this is that if a girl really likes her own body, the guy will like her even more that he already does.
14 years

How do love the body who were born into?

disconnectedsmile wrote
mermaid8 wrote
but being fat makes me feel so ugly.

on the contrary!
the fatter, the prettier!

lol easy for us to say smiley
14 years

How do love the body who were born into?

To answer the OP question, not really. I believe I am too skinny, and in which is why I want to change my body. (Of course, I love fat and I've been wanting to be fat since I was 10, that's the other reason...) Also, to the OP believe me love takes time to find. You'll find a nice guy who loves you for you, looks aren't everything. You seem like a really nice girl, and if that is you in the pic you are adorable and I bet you have a beautiful body too.
14 years

How do love the body who were born into?

mermaid8 wrote
thank you for the compliment, here is a photo you can judge for yourself.

So, yeah, I think you're quite beautiful in that pic, and I bet most people here think so, too.

I agree with Tubby, it's been VERY helpful to me to spend a lot of time looking at fat bodies, mainly by spending time here, but anyway I can, and NOT looking at skinny ones, like not reading women's mags, fashion mags, etc.

It's a long journey, but you're on it, so be gentle to yourself. smiley
14 years

How do love the body who were born into?

one little advice for u smiley

if u want to accept your body dont hide it from yourselfe
it probably wont work if u just wait for the moment u love your body
u have to do this actively, have to look at yourselfe and start seeing every single part of u in a new fiew
also try to figer out if your body feels really "ugly" as u say to you when u stop thinking about what other people say but only feel how it feels to u very personally

btw this will not work from one day to the next...
14 years

How do love the body who were born into?

I'm not satisfied with my body but it's in a different way than most of you. I'm not sure if there are any other furries in this site, I doubt it. I feel that I was born in the wrong body. That I shoulda been a fox, or that I was one in a previous life and just miss it. Same goes for being a girl too though.. Oh well.
14 years

How do love the body who were born into?

You've mentioned being mocked since childhood. One important question is who did the mocking, and are they still part of your life? Even if they aren't, are their voices still living in your head?

There is a type of therapy, whose name escapes me at the moment (cognitive programming maybe?), where the steps for dealing with negative messages to yourself can be simplified to (IIRC the steps correctly):

1) Identify the negative messages. Literally carry around a note pad (or smart phone) and right down what they are when you notice them. Note too if they are in someone's voice (is it your grandmother's message that you've internalized, etc)

2) Learn to notice whenever you are doing these messages. This takes work, but you learn to note mentally whenever you have these thoughts.

3) When you are having the thoughts, tell yourself 'stop!' At first you may need to do this out loud, when you are on your own. Over time, learn to cut yourself off earlier and earlier in the message. "I'm so fat and ugly--STOP!" "I'm so fat and--STOP!" "I'm so--STOP!"

4) When you feel those thoughts trying to form, learn to replace them with a positive message instead. So you feel that voice about to say how you are fat and ugly, and you jump in with "I'm so strong and capable" (or whatever your positive message is).

I've not tried this myself, but I hear it worlks wonders for some people. Of course the devil is in the details, but if you reserach I'm sure you can find more complete guides on how this works.
14 years

How do love the body who were born into?

I've seen your picture and the others on your picture page and have to say that you have a great figure and in particular fantastic legs. I know you don't see that but its true and would be backed up by just about everyone on this site. It may also help you to see so many women who are really happy being larger and any FA groups in your local area, where you will meet women who will not judge you by your size and men who will really fancy you like mad.
14 years