

Hi there. I was just wondering, aside from the obvious eating more, is there any way to increase one's moobs? mine are still too small..If you could how big would you all have yours? *mine would be room filling sized if possible!* smiley Let's talk about our fav moob related stuff, fantasies, personal experiences, the works! Like with me, if someone suckles my moobs, my god I could come just from that! XD
13 years


hehe and what happens if i do go overboard? XD and how does soy help?
13 years


wow it does? wonder how big a guy could get on that..
13 years


Gaz wrote
it's not the thought of having to wear a bra, just don't like the idea of looking like Lolo Ferrari with hairy boobs smiley

I wouldnt mind that! lol pretty soon here I'm gonna need a bra anyway, maybe I will give it a shot. I wanna get some estrogen cream and rub that in my moobs. smiley
13 years


My recent gain has caused the first signs of slight moobs on my body. I dont know if I like them though ... I'd prefer just a big manly gut.
13 years


I like my moobs and I'm glad to see them grow. But they grow because I eat too much and not because I especially want them to. I don't think it's possible to make your body store fat in certain areas. It's all genetics, I think. But I'm glad it's my moobs! smiley
13 years


Fang wrote
Not sure if there was any truth to it, but I remember hearing that eating chicken breast does help in growing moobs. I do eat alot of chicken, so I may have some proof behind that theory. Not 100% sure if it is JUST that though.

I think like in the 60s or something chickens were given a ton of hormones to make them grow big, hence more money for farmers, yay! However this caused boys to grow boobies, also yay! However back then the standards for safety in foods were a bit lax boo! So now chicken is regulated and made safe for our consuption, I.E. no more boob growing hormones boo! smiley I too enjoy chicken tho! XD
13 years