
Hypocrisy of feeder guilt

Xutjja wrote
It's easy to pick on fat people or anyone associated with fat people because it's typically generally excepted fact that if someone is fat it's their own fault. Regardless if that is true or not that is what the general consensus is. Fat people are the new smokers.

Exactly, except for the smokers part, it IS there own fault smiley
14 years

Hypocrisy of feeder guilt

Fat is a power issue. Traditionally the aristocracy and shall we say those of better breeding tend to be tall and slim from an active lifestyle. work on the estates and farms is hard physical work coupled with the sports that involve a great deal of horse riding. Often these people couldn't care less about the weight issue, there are many more important things in life. However, the social climbers, particularly those who have made plenty of money wish to be seen amongst the elite. This is no more obvious than with hollywood and the fashion industry. To be accepted certain standards must be met.
The slim ideal is often an unspoken rule until those who have been struggling with their own weight discover that someone amongst them has broken the rule, then that person is pushed to the side of the fashionable set.
Fat is seen as a sign of lower class, failure and those of no self control. These are the main reasons that fat gets bad press and the health issue is convenient to put these socially unacceptable in their place. Diabetes is the best way of saying someone is too fat because type two is weight dependant. The obesity = bad health is a very fuzzy subject, where all sorts of tests have been done that say its no where near as bad as being seriously underweight [the hollywood ideal]. This does not stop those social climbers who now have elite status from pushing this ideal.
There are many books that delve into this subject much better than I have, but providing you have regular exercise there is a much lower chance of ever having poor health. Pear shapes are generally much healthier than apple as less fat is distributed near the heart, meaning that women have less health problems than men and that its a much more natural for women to be fat. There is no reason why you can't live a fat and healthy lifestyle with care.
14 years

Hypocrisy of feeder guilt

It's so strange that people here always cry about "prejudice", and call any criticism to be "hateful discrimination"... and many do just the same by bashing anyone who is not excited about gaining.

Most people don't share our preference, so just let them criticize it if they don't like it, if they do it in a polite way. It is just fair that if we like to criticize the lifestyle of others, then we should accept the fact that we can be criticized as well.
14 years

Hypocrisy of feeder guilt

It's so strange that people here always cry about "prejudice", and call any criticism to be "hateful discrimination"... and many do just the same by bashing anyone who is not excited about gaining.

Most people don't share our preference, so just let them criticize it if they don't like it, if they do it in a polite way. It is just fair that if we like to criticize the lifestyle of others, then we should accept the fact that we can be criticized as well.
14 years

Hypocrisy of feeder guilt

I think we need to factor in two things here, that we all know, but that have only come up tangentially in this thread so far:

1)We're talking about a multi-billion dollar industry. The last figures I saw were US$40 billion annually, and that's old data.

2) There are some very good theories to describe how the media affect our thinking, but I think many (most?) serious scholars believe that we are affected subconsciously, and the range of possible ideas is limited by what the media present.

If only we could get to some serious news presenter and get them to present the counter arguments to the obesity industry. <dreams>
14 years